Plan H: Forget About Plan B

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Guess what?!?! Another chapter (: Cuz I took years but hey *starts singing* I'm still standing~  I loved this movie (:

For you! @hiphippos64

ENJOY! *throws brownies and m&ms at you* hope you enjoy!

*Alice's POV*

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Inhale. Exhale.

Don't die.

It was Sunday and I needed to call Anthony because we didn't finish our Intro and the first chapter for English that's due tomorrow.

I quickly dial Anthony's number on the phone. I then squeeze my eyes shut before pressing call.

Here goes nothing.

"Hey," Anthony greets after a few seconds.

"H-" Gulp. Where did my voice go?!

"Hello?" He calls again.

"H-Hey, it's Alice," I start. "Umm, I, well, I was just calling to mention that we didn't finish our intro and first chapter for English and it's sorta kinda... due tomorrow."

"Oh, right. We should probably finish," he suggests.

"Yeah, we probably should," I agreed. "Want to come over maybe?" I offer. "If you're not busy!" I quickly add.

"Sure," he replies. "I'll be there in a few."

"See you soon then," I smile.

"See you," he says before I press 'end'.

I stare at the phone for a few seconds and immediately face-palm. Why am I such an awkward human?! Ahhh, I really need to get used to Anthony.... But I don't think that's really possible.

I jump onto my bed with my backpack and make myself comfortable. I decided I'll do my homework as I wait for Anthony to come.

I take out my math notebook and turn to the page that I had to do. With my pencil, I start to solve the problems. The first problem was simple, but then next one looked completely foreign to me. I wasn't sure where I was supposed to start.

I hum as I attempt to solve it. So if this is congruent, then that's equal to each other, gotta minus, gotta plus, then divide, times that by two and there we go! I nod to myself. That's one less problem! Time for the next one.

Someone knocks on my door twice. "Knock knock," a familiar voice appears.

Anthony's here! I didn't even need to hear his voice to know he was here. Just the fact that he knocked on the door gives it away. In this house, there's no such thing as knocking.

"You can come in," I say. The door then opens revealing a cute brunette boy with crystal blue eyes.

"Hey," he greets as he walks over to my bed and sits at the corner edge.

"Hey! Ready to start?" I ask.

"Yeah," he nods.

I quickly put my math notebook back in my backpack before grabbing my English one. I then reach for the two pencils that were on my desk.

"Here." I hand him one of the pencils. "Let's begin."


It was a little quiet between us as we were editing the ending of the first chapter. We both were reading over it and fixing it together page by page.

I move my hand to turn the page of the notebook but meet with Anthony's hand instead. I quickly yank my hand away blushing and let him turn the page.

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