Chapter 27

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Crookedstar called a meeting later that day and the clan gathered around. Hopepaw found herself sitting by Shimmerpaw and Turtlepaw. She kept her green eyes focused on Crookedstar, but then she noticed Stormpaw and Featherpaw sitting together. They were becoming warriors!

"Cats of RiverClan, today I ask our warrior ancestors to look down upon these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand your noble code." Crookedstar turned his gaze to Stormpaw first. "Stormpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Hopepaw's eyes trailed over to Stormpaw whose posture was tall with pride. She saw the familiar gleam in her brother's amber eyes. "I do," Stormpaw meowed loud and clear.

"Then I name you a warrior in the eyes of StarClan," Crookedstar called. "Stormpaw, from this moment you will be known as Stormblaze in honor of your fiery courage and loyalty."

"Stormblaze! Stormblaze!" The clan cheered and Hopepaw joined in. From across the clearing, she could see Graystripe. He was cheering the loudest.

Crookedstar then turned to Featherpaw and spoke. "Featherpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Hopepaw watched her sister sit up straighter, her blue eyes shining. "I do," Featherpaw nodded.

"Then I name you a warrior in the eyes of StarClan," Crookedstar announced. "Featherpaw, from his moment on, you will be known as Featherstream." All those in the clan suddenly bowed their heads and Hopepaw followed their lead. "In memory of your mother, Silverstream, who joined StarClan before her time. She was my daughter, and I'm sure she is looking down on you two."

"Featherstream! Featherstream!" Hopepaw joined the call without hesitation. They were her half-siblings. They shared a father. Even if they didn't realize if, they were connected to each other.

Stormblaze approached Hopepaw and almost reached our to brush her cheek with his, but then he refrained himself. Hopepaw was glad he remembered. "Congratulations, Stormblaze." Hopepaw purred.

"You'll be named a warrior soon," Stormblaze meowed as if he'd read her mind.

"I know," Hopepaw sighed. "I'm just impatient."

Featherstream joined them, but she didn't seem as happy as Stormblaze. Hopepaw could see it in her eyes. "What's wrong, Featherstream?"

Stormblaze became aware of his sister's unhappiness and moved closer to her. "What's wrong? You can tell me."

Featherstream raised her head and let out a long sign. "I'll have to move into the nursery soon...I'm expecting kits..."

Hopepaw's jaw gaped while Stormblaze seemed surprised. "You're expecting kits? You've only just become a warrior! Whose kits are they?" Stormblaze demanded.

"I-I can't say," Featherstream stuttered, but Hopepaw knew exactly whose kits they were.

Instead of being angry at her in front of Stormblaze, Hopepaw leaned in to comfort her. She could talk with her later. "Kits are a good thing, Featherstream. It doesn't matter who the father is."

Hopepaw and Stormblaze never left her side the rest of the day.


The sun rose the next day and Hopepaw woke early for training. Graystripe and her practiced battle moves, the same battle moves she'd show to TigerClan tomorrow night. They practiced until it was nearly sunhigh and then they returned to camp.

"Eat something quick before we have to leave with Crookedstar," Graystripe told her. Then he walked off to find the other warriors.

Hopepaw approached the fresh-kill pile and picked out a tasty-looking sunfish. She carried it back towards the apprentice den where Hailpaw, Dewpaw, Turtlepaw, and Shimmerpaw sat. The four littermates always ate together in the morning. It made Hopepaw miss her own littermates that much more.

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