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Ashley POV

After we had finished shooting the show, we uploaded it to YouTube on the joint account we had made which was called Ashley!, just like the show was called. I quickly posted an update on my Twitter account that said that me and some friends made a web show and linked to the YouTube account. A few hours later, I went to the video to check out the feedback. We had 794 subs, 15,056 views, 863 likes, and 163 dislikes so far. I looked at the comments, which were mostly positive.
But when I looked at comments 567-612, I freaked out. All of them were either spam or extra mean hate comments. I went upstairs and showed Dad the spam and hate comments. His eyes widened at the sight of all of them. I then called Lexi. "Hey Lexi!" "Hey Ashley!" "Do you have Lee with you?" "Yeah, why, do you need him?" "No, but Could you two look at the comments on the first episode of Ashley!, please?" "Why?" "I feel you need to know the contents of comments number 567-612." "OK. Bye!" "Bye!" I then looked back at my laptop and refreshed the page. 863 subs, 16,246 views, 1,048 likes, and 198 dislikes so far. I also texted Emma telling her to look at the stats and comments on the first episode. We had a team meeting the next day, we were talking about how surprised we were at how popular it became in a few hours. We also filmed a thank you video for so many good reactions to the show. It got good reactions too.

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