Dove is here!

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Quick A/N

Okay, so from this chapter onwards, I'm going to do it in present tense. Oh, and sorry it's so short, I wrote this in a rush. Expect more next time. Well, that's all for now! Enjoy!

About a month later...

Ashley's POV

I can't believe it! We actually got Dove Cameron to come on our show! I mean, we have uploaded 5 episodes so far, and all of them were loved by the public.

I hear Stampy's doorbell ring! It must be Dove!

Lexi runs to the door, and opens it. Dove squeals and I say "Come in!" She comes in and sits on the couch. I show her my notepad, which has what we'll be doing for this week's episode. Lee pulls out the camera. "You ready?" I say. "Yeah!" she repies.

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