A Million Pt. 2

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Last time on Ashley!

I looked back at the screen. The count was at 999,985. 999,990. 999,995. 999,996. 999,997. 999,998. 999,999. I took a deep breath. 
And then. It reached. One million.

I jumped around my room, squealing. I had finally reached a million subscribers. Mom and Dad rushed in with Jenna behind them, all of them confused. Jenna looked at my laptop screen. She started jumping too. Mom and Dad looked at it, and we ended up partying around the room.

A few hours later...

I was editing my 1,000,000 subscribers video. I was laughing a ton at the part where we all danced. After that, I put a message which said "Thank you all so much for your support and I just want to say thank you so much. - Ashley.". Yeah, it was pretty sappy, but who cares? I GOT A MILLION SUBSCRIBERS!!!!!!! I set the video to upload and made a post on my Facebook account.

It went something like: "Hey guys! Guess what?!?! I just got... A MILLION SUBS!!!!! EEK! :O My channel is growing so fast! I can't believe I already have A MILLION SUBSCRIBERS! A MILLION!!!!!!!!". OK, yeah, I was a bit overexcited. But, I was almost 14, and I was pretty much an internet celeb. Well, not quite, but a soon-to-be internet celeb. Anyway, we invited over a bunch of my friends and had a party. It was great! There was music, cake, ice cream, and basically everything you could want a party to have.

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