Love Test

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A/N Sorry if this seems short, but I've been really busy. Enjoy the chappie!

A few days later...

Ashley POV

The crowd erupts into cheers. After about a minute of waving to the crowd, I finally manage to get backstage. Isaac ran up to me. "Ashley!" He says, out of breath from running from the lounge area he was in with Mom, Dad, Jenna, and her friend Grace. He hands me a letter to read. Apparently it was from the creators of Love Test, only THE hottest game show in the universe! We were invited to be contestants on the show!

Time skip: Ending of the show
We won! The lights go down. I don't know why. I hear someone getting onstage. The lights come back. Music starts to play. It's Debby Ryan!
After her song, the show ends.

A/N Again, sorry this is so short but I'm working on many other things for school and for myself. Got some new stories in the works for you guys too. :)

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