Crush Crazy

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Ashley POV

The next morning, as I walked into school, people I didn't know at all surrounded me in the hallways. I tried to ignore them and concentrate on getting to my locker, and I succeeded. I put in my combination and opened my locker. "Pretty tough getting a million subs, huh?" I heard a voice from behind me ask as I slipped my books in my locker. "Yeah." I said, closing my locker. I turned around and saw the cutest boy ever. "Do I know you, because I don't think I do." I said, getting nervous. I was totally crushing on him. "No, we haven't met. I'm Isaac Perry." Isaac said. "I'm Ashley Middleton." I said. Suddenly, the bell rang. "OK, gotta go, bye! I said as I opened my locker, got my books for first period out, shut my locker, and speedwalked away to my first class.

A week later

Eek! I'm so excited! Isaac asked me out! I slammed my locker and fastwalked out of school. I don't know why, but if you fastwalk, it looks like you really need the bathroom. Anyway, I walked past all the building I had grown familiar with. Crazy-person restaraunt with ignorant management? Check. Fried butter-on-a-stick store full of crazy people? Check. This specific neighborhood was full of weird places that wouldn't be found like, anywhere else.

When I got home, I told Mom and Dad and Jenna about the date. They were super-duper-mega happy!

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