Hated Characters

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This is a chapter for those of you that want to challenge themselves and explore something you haven't before. 

What type of character do you hate the most? Are they bossy? Rude? Have a lot of facial hair? Talk with a lisp? Always pessimistic about everything? Gossip monger? Super nerdy? Always get their way? Fall for the worst people and then somehow it always works out? Needy? Cries about everything? Hates children? Has too many children? Runs into danger without a plan?

Write them.

Write them in a way that you hate them, but make sure they stay happy. For example; If you hate characters that are rude and bossy, write them that way but don't create a hero that then shames them and puts them in their place. Make them the hero of their own hateful story.

After you do that, give them some good quality's. If your character is bossy and rude, set the story in the kitchen of a homeless shelter where your character is being this way because they want everything to be perfect and wonderful for the homeless that come in.

If your character is always pessimistic about things, write about why they are that way. Maybe bad things happen to them all the time so they just assume the worst. Or maybe they are depressed. 

Give your character that you hate something that makes you like them, or at least start to like them.

Have fun and enjoy wherever this challenge takes you!

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