Mini Scenarios

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Here I have a list of scenarios for you to choose from and expand on. You could even combine some if you would like! I kept the characters generic so that names and genders won't influence your thought process :)

1. Person A and Person B are the leaders of rival gangs.

2.Person A gets amnesia and forgets everything about Person B.

3. Person B cooking lunch for Person A.

4. Person B has something that Person A desperately wants or needs. Person B won't give it up easily.

5. Person B and Person A are part of a team, but their constant arguing causes problems. They have to pull it together for the sake of the team.

6. Person B is bitten by a zombie and has to be put down by Person A.

7. Person A and Person B get stuck in an elevator together.

8. Person B gives up their life so that Person A can live.

9. Person A kills someone important to Person B. 

10. Person B is pretty sure Person A is a Werewolf.

11. Person B and Person A swap bodies.

12. Person A is in love with Person B but believes they would never return the affection, while Person B is in love with Person A but vows to never tell them.

13. Person B glues Person A to a toilet.

14. Person B is a barista at Person A's favorite coffee shop.

15. Person A finds out about Person B's terrible secret.

Have fun! Let me know if there is anything you guys would like to see. Any tips or things that you want to help you with your writing.

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