Simplicity Made Hard

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Imagine a simple everyday scenario, (i.e Getting something from your fridge, working a remote, brushing your teeth, putting on makeup, getting dressed, baking a cake, etc...) now imagine doing that thing blind.

Write about that process. How would the steps change through the eyes of a blind person? Would they feel around a lot? Would they have things marked? Would they predominantly use touch, scent, or smell to find their way around? 

Think about how a simple everyday occurrence could be made different just by changing one thing about yourself or a character. 

Now that you've done that, think of something more complex. Such as finding your way through a new town, using an oven, walking through a crowd, fighting a demon, juggling, doing a sport, taming a lion, etc....

Can you guess what I'm going to say next?? Oh, you can? Well....good. Do that then.

Good Luck and have fun!!!!!!

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