Describing the Indescribable

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Well, not exactly indescribable, just hard to describe.

Find a picture, any kind at all, and describe it in one or two paragraphs. Sounds simple enough right?

*Snorts* The word 'Challenges' is in the title of this book, I'm not going to make things easy.

Now I want you to rewrite those paragraphs but write them as if you were trying to describe the image for a blind person. That means you can't just say; "In the foreground there are red and white flowers with pointed green leaves. There is is a lake filled with deep blue water that glistens from the sunlight and there is a brown house in the distance."

No, that won't cut it. Pretend you've never seen color before or had to squint your eyes from the glare the harsh sun casts on the water. All descriptions of color or brightness would mean nothing to you because you have no reference point. Try drawing comparisons to how something could feel . 


"The bundle of flowers that could fit in the palm of my hand rest in the foreground of the picture, close enough that you might be able to smell their sweet fragrance on the wind. The lake rests in the middle of the picture and sparkles in a way that you can feel the chill of the water on your feet and the hot smoldering gaze of the sun on your neck." 

Good Luck and have fun!!!

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