Chapter 1 - New Starts to Old Starts

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It was Cole's first day back in the town he grew up in and the first day at his new school Beacon Hills. He was the all-star jock at his old school and was hoping to keep that rep at his new school. He walked into the school and a lot of people were eyeing him and whispering. He didn't really mind and he just looked at his schedule to find his locker. Cole looked up sensing someone in front of him and he quickly moved out of the way. His books hit the other boy's arm and dropped to the floor.

"Sorry," The other boy said kneeling down to grab Cole's books. Cole knelt down to do the same and their hands touched as they both reached for the same book. The two of them looked up at each other's faces. He's Beautiful, Cole thought. They both smiled at each other as they stood up. "I'm Ethan," The boy said smiling to shake his hand.

"Cole," He smiled back and took his hand. "I feel kind of dumb asking but I'm new here, do you think you could help me find my locker?" He asked not feeling dumb at all he just wanted to get to know this hot boy in front of him.

"Sure I can! Anything for a looker like you," Ethan winked and took the paper from Cole's hand. "You have first and second period with me so I can show you how to get there," Ethan offered.

"Thank you. I'll need the help," Cole laughed. "Does this school have a lacrosse, soccer and football team?" He asked.

"We have all three," Ethan replied stopping in front of a group of lockers. "This one is yours," He said pointing to the locker that was second from the end, "Mine is just down the hall and our class is right in front of my locker," He pointed.

"Thanks," Cole replied with a smile. He then looked down the hall thinking he was seeing double of Ethan but then he realised he was a twin. His brother was a little taller, his head was squarer shaped and he kept his hair longer on the sides but other than that he couldn't tell them apart. "I'm guessing that is your brother?" Cole laughed as the other boy got closer.

"What gave that away?" His brother laughed along with him. "Hi, I'm Aiden and you must be my brother's new boyfriend," Aiden winked.

"I'm Cole and I just met your brother," Cole laughed.

"Ah so soon to be boyfriend," Aiden laughed.

"Shut up Aiden," Ethan laughed and pushed his brother. Aiden winked and walked away.

"Nice meeting you!" Aiden waved and turned around.

"You too!" Cole shouted back.

"I'll get to my locker now but I'll see you in class which is room 227. I'll save a seat for you beside me," Ethan patted him on the shoulder and walked down the hall. Cole smiled and nodded as he opened his locker.

"Colson?" A voice shouted from down the hall. He turned to look who it was and he saw a familiar face.

"Stiles!" Cole shouted recognizing his long-time friend. He and Stiles had still talked over the years but something major in his life happened that he couldn't bear telling the Stilinski's. Cole didn't think there was a point in telling them because he was living in Toronto when it happened. "I haven't seen you in ages man, how are you?" Cole asked.

"I'm good! A lot of weird stuff goes on in Beacon hills now but it's still cool here," Stiles said giving Cole a hug. "What about you? How have you been?" Stiles asked.

"I'm okay, I'm glad to see you. I met a guy just now he's pretty hot," Cole replied. "You get any closer to dating Lydia yet?" Cole laughed.

"I kissed her!" Stiles shouted.

"Yes! That's my main man right here!" Cole laughed and gave him props. The bell rang and Cole looked at his schedule one more time before sliding it in his binder. Stiles pulled it out and looked at it.

"We have all our classes together. This is crazy," Stiles laughed.

"That's awesome! How's Scott?" Cole asked.

"He's good. He's in our first period class, let's surprise him." Stiles laughed and punched his arm. "Sit with me?" He asked.

"The guy I met said he would save me a seat," Cole winked.

"Is he gay? Or do you just think he's good looking?" Stiles asked.

"He's gay his brother basically told me," Cole replied and walked ahead of him.

"Wait brother?" He heard Stiles say behind him as Cole walked into the class. Ethan noticed him and waved him over to a seat in the very middle of the class. "Cole! Is he by any chance- yup," Stiles shouted as he sat down behind them and nodded at Ethan, "Ethan."

"Stilinski," Ethan nodded back. Cole looked at the door way and saw Scott and Lydia walk in with two other people.

"Cole!" Lydia and Scott shouted and Lydia ran to him. Cole stood up as she jumped into his arms and he squeezed her tight. Then he walked over to Scott and hugged him too. "Cole, you've gotten so fit!" Lydia said rubbing his stomach then squeezing his arms.

"Yeah, I've been working out."

"How are you?" Scott asked not being able to take a smile off his face.

"I'm okay. What about you guys?" Cole replied.

"Good," They both replied. "Oh! This is Allison and this is Isaac," Lydia introduced them.

"I'm Cole," He smiled as the teacher walked in.

"Morning class I'm coach Finstock. I see a new face and I'm hoping he is a lacrosse player?" The teacher said. Cole looked around and guessed coach was talking to him.

"I do play lacrosse," Cole replied with everyone staring at him. Coach Finstock did a little happy dance then cleared his throat and brushed out his shirt as if nothing happened.

"Very well try outs are today after school," Coach replied. Stiles, Scott and Isaac looked very confused.

"Don't you think it would be a good idea if you actually told the team that try outs were today?" Scott asked. Coach thought about it for a bit and then his eyes widened.

"Shut it McCall!" Coach pointed at Scott and ran out of the class. A few minutes later they hear Coach's voice on the announcements, "Attention to all lacrosse players there will be tryouts for the boy's lacrosse team after school today. Meet me Coach Finstock in the boy's locker room right after school." Cole and the others couldn't help but laugh. The bell rang just as coach got back into the class and coach gave an annoyed look at the clock. Everyone quickly ran out of the class.

"Ethan do you-" Cole was in the middle of asking Ethan to lunch when Stiles pulled his arm and rushed him out of the class. "What the hell Stiles!" Cole complained.

"You need to be careful when it comes to the twins," Stiles whispered.

"You make it seem like they are animals. They are people it's not like they are going to rip out my throat," Cole complained.

"You don't understand," Stiles stopped in the middle of the hall way and looked into Cole's eyes.

"Then make me understand," Cole commanded.

"I can't but Scott can. Let's go," Stiles said pulling his arm.

"We can't skip on the first day!" Cole shouted as he followed Stiles.

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