Chapter 22 - Feeling Better

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"Why isn't he healing?"

"I don't know."

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Yeah he'll be fine," Cole heard as he started to wake up. He tried to sit up and felt a huge amount of pain in his shoulder. He winced quietly and his friends ran towards his bedside.

"Why aren't you healing? Are you okay?" Stiles asked quickly.

"Stiles, how the hell am I supposed to know that? And I think I'm ok." Cole groaned, his voice was raspy.

"I'm going to go get Ethan," Scott said.

"You want anything?" Stiles asked.

"I'm kinda thirsty," Cole lied so Stiles would leave. He left to get him a drink and Cole pulled the IV out of his arm and slowly and painfully. He stood in front of the mirror and pulled off his gown. He stood there in his white boxer briefs and looked at his injured shoulder. His arm was in a sling and his shoulder was covered in white bandages and gauze. He pulled them off and looked at the three bullet holes in his shoulder and became extremely angry. He remembered how foolish and weak he sounded begging for his life. Then he remembered how scared he was. He needed a plan to take Peter and his crew down, he would stop at nothing to save Scott and get revenge. He looked at his body his built legs and arms. He looked at his chiselled features and his abs that showed without flexing and thought that he could take on anyone who comes his way. He went to grab his shorts that he was wearing during the game and slipped them on. They were dirty and blood stained but he just wanted to get out of there. His soccer bag was in the corner of the room and his Adidas flip flops were inside. He grabbed them and slipped them on. He took one step out of his room and just his luck everyone started to come back.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ethan shouted.

"Nice to see you too," Cole said sarcastically.

"I talked to Deaton," Scott said interrupting.

"And?" Cole replied.

"He said that creatures like you have to develop their healing abilities. The more severe the injury the less likely you'll be able to heal until you perfect them."

"How can I do that?" Cole asked

"No clue," Scott said and Cole laughed. Coach Finstock came in through the hospital doors and saw Cole. He ran over to him.

"Damn it Spinner, we should have called the game," Coach said looking at him.

"But we won," Cole laughed. Coach laughed and wished Cole well and walked away.

"We need to come up with a plan, we need to take Peter down." Cole said and everyone looked at Stiles.

"I don't just come up with plans on the spot!" Stiles exclaimed.

"Colson!" Cole heard a familiar voice. He turned to see someone he didn't want to. His father. "Can your friends give us some time alone?" he said as he rushed over.

"Where's Lily?" Cole asked.

"She's in the car with my girlfriend," He said.

"Well can I see her?"

"After," he replied harshly and pushed Cole into his hospital room. He felt a huge amount of pain in his shoulder and he filled his cheeks with air and slowly let it out.

"Hey, be careful!" Stiles said. He closed the door and closed the blinds so no one could see inside the room.

"You're such a stupid little shit. I get a call in the middle of work saying my son has been shot all the way in California and I have to go down and see him. Then I see you standing here perfectly fine.

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