Chapter 14 - Fighting

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Peter stepped out of the car and slammed the door. "Why are all of you here?" Peter shouted.

"Isn't it a party?" Derek said sarcastically.

"Men! Get out here," Peter ordered and two different men from last time got out of the car.

"You’re a little outnumbered aren't you?" Derek asked.

"I wouldn't say that," Peter smirked. "Go ahead boys." The two men began to shift into two huge wolves. Not the same as Scott, they were actual wolves. They were huge, probably the size of Peter's SUV.

"What the hell...?" Cole said under his breath. He looked down at the tiny knife in his hand and swallowed hard. Peter laughed as turned to face the animals.

"Alright boys, go for any of them except for Scott. He's mine," Peter ordered.

"Yes boss," They growled in sync. Both of them got on their hein legs and howled loud. They got back onto all four legs and began to run at them. Cole looked for Ethan but he had already joined together with his brother. He still couldn't get over how weird that was. Allison ran over to Cole.

"What the hell are we supposed to do?" Cole asked her.

"Help," She said getting her gun ready.

"With this?" Cole asked gesturing to the knife in his hand.

"It's better than nothing," Allison shrugged. "You go to the twins and I guess I'll go with Derek." Cole nodded and ran to the twins. He ran and hid behind a tree near them. They looked at him and Cole put a finger over his lips. They looked back at the wolf and it leaped at the twins. This was Cole's chance. As the wolf was on top of the twins Cole jumped on it's back. Once it realized Cole was on top it, it went back on it's hein legs and tried to shake him off. Cole latched onto it's ears so he wouldn't fall. When it fell back onto all four legs Cole got his knife ready. He counted to three in his head and he shoved his knife inside the wolf's throat. It let out a huge howl and fell to the ground. The twins quickly rolled out of the way. They went back into human form and Ethan didn't move his leg fast enough. The wolf's head landed near him and one of it's teeth landed inside the meaty part of his calf. He let out a huge scream and Cole went running toward him. Aiden pulled it out quickly and he screamed again. Slowly, the animal went back into it's human form with Cole's knife still in his neck.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked his boyfriend.

"It's healing," Ethan replied.

"Okay good," Cole smiled and looked over at Scott fighting Peter.

"STILES NOW!" Scott shouted. He looked over at Stiles' car and both doors went flying open then both father and son ran toward the SUV. He ran over to Sheriff remembering his vision and stood near him. They opened the doors to the truck and Stiles went straight for Lydia. Sheriff went for Melissa and Cole stood watch. Stiles helped Lydia out of the car and Sheriff kissed Melissa. They stepped out of the car and Melissa looked into his eyes. She leaned in and kissed him again. Cole then saw the man with the knife in his neck slowly walk over with a bat in his hand. Stiles had already taken Lydia to his jeep so Cole stayed near the SUV. The man lifted the bat over his head and Cole jumped in front and put his hands over his face. He felt the bat quickly land in his hands hard and he wrapped his fingers around it. That must have taken all the energy that guy had because he let go and fell to the floor. He went back to wolf form and slowly died.

"You saved me," Sheriff said with a shocked look. Cole nodded.

"Get them out of here," Cole said. Sheriff nodded and took Melissa to Stiles' car. Cole grabbed his knife out of the wolf's neck and ran to see if Allison needed help. But the wolf she was fighting with Derek had stopped.

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