Chapter 17 - This Isn't About Soccer

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Cole drove the twins to school; Cole and Ethan couldn't stop smiling at each other. When they pulled into the parking lot Cole quickly ran to Ethan's side and opened the door for him then locked the car. They began to walk when they heard a banging on the window of his car. They turned around and saw Aiden still inside the car. "Oops," Cole laughed and unlocked the car.

"Gee thanks," Aiden said sarcastically.

"Eh, I got you here didn't I?" Cole laughed. The three of them walked into the school. They stopped at their lockers when Coach ran up to Cole.

"Spinner, I heard your a good soccer player. I also heard that you aren't trying out!" Coach yelled.

"Of course I'm trying out," Cole replied very confusedly. The twins looked at each other for a brief moment then went back to what they were doing.

"Thank goodness, I heard you were the best player in your state back in Canada."

"Province," Cole corrected him.

"Pardon?" Coach asked.

"Canada has provinces and territories not states."

"Well whatever! Just be there after school," Coach said.

"Wait today?" Cole asked.

"Yeah," Coach replied

"Who said I wasn't trying out?" Cole asked.

"I don't remember, I know it wasn't Greenberg though. I would remember if it was Greenberg because I hate Greenberg," Coach laughed and walked away. Scott had told Cole the soccer tryouts were tomorrow.

"Do you two have anything to do with this?" Cole glared at them. Both twins shook their heads no.

"Better not," Cole said and went to go find Scott. Cole saw Isaac at the end of the hall, if Isaac was at school Scott was. They live together. "Isaac!" Cole must have startled him because he hit his head on his locker door turning to face him.

"Oh hey Cole," Isaac smiled awkwardly.

"Shut up, where's Scott?" Cole asked.

"Um... I'm not exactly sure but we just got here so he'll probably be at his locker," Isaac told him.

"Thanks," Cole replied and began to walk away. "Wait, do you have anything to do with Coach thinking I wasn't trying out for soccer?"

"Uh... No," Isaac replied suspiciously.

"Well that was a huge lie," Cole said looking at Isaac.

"Not me directly..." Isaac said.

"So you know about it," Cole said and the bell rang.

"I actually have to get to class," Isaac said awkwardly and began to walk away.

"Isaac," Cole called after him.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"You're in my class and it's this way," Cole laughed.

"Oh yeah," Isaac said and began to walk with Cole.

"So what's going on?" Cole asked.

"Nothing," Isaac started. "Scott just doesn't want to lose his title as best athlete in the school."

"Yeah okay," Cole said sarcastically and walked to his desk. The bell rang and Scott walked into the classroom followed by Coach Finstock. "Alright everyone take your seats, Can anyone tell me the definition of an asset?" Cole raised his hand knowing the answer. "Spinner?"

"Something that belongs to a business," Cole answered.

"Great!" Coach said and began to write the definition on the board.

"Scott!" Cole whispered harshly.

"Can anyone tell me the definition of a liability?" Coach asked.

"Scott!" Cole continued to whisper, Scott panicked and raised his hand.

"McCall?" Coach said as he picked him.

"Uh..." Scott clearly didn't know the answer.

"A debt a company has," Cole whispered to him.

"A debt a company has coach," Scott repeated Cole.

"Great job McCall," Coach said and wrote the definition on the board.

"Now I know you can hear me! Why did you tell Coach I'm not trying out for soccer?" Cole asked.

"I'm jealous," Scott said. "Yeah, I'm jealous." It was clearly a lie, he probably talked to Isaac.

"Fine don't tell me. I'm still trying out TODAY," Cole said. "Yeah, I know you told me the wrong day too, I expect a proper explanation later."

After school Cole grabbed his shorts and his cleats from his car. He keeps everything in his car. He walked to the boys locker room and found Stiles, Scott, Isaac, Ethan and Aiden there. "Since when do you people like soccer?"

"I actually wanted to widen my sports verity," Stiles said.

"I'm sure of that," Cole said sarcastically. He quickly changed and put on his gear and walked out to the field with his friends.

"Alright boys dribble and pass around to warm up," Coach instructed. Five balls began to be passed around. Cole was about to get the ball when Stiles ran right towards him and knocked him to the ground.

"Stiles, what the hell?" Cole shouted.

"Stilinski!" Coach shouted. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know! It just happened," Stiles lied.

"Really?" Coach said sarcastically.

"Yeah it was his fault!" Stiles shouted. He took a step towards coach and fell to the ground. "Oh my God my ankle! See? He made me hurt my ankle!"

"Shut up Stiles!" Cole shouted and pulled him up from the ground.

"Back to work boys," Coach said.

"What the hell is going on?" Cole shouted and Scott ran over to the two of them. Cole looked over to the bleachers and saw Derek sitting with Allison and Lydia.

"You really want to know?" Stiles asked.

"Stiles, no!" Scott shouted.

"Yes I do!" Cole shouted ignoring Scott. “At least tell me why Derek is here.”

“He’s uh… picking me up,” Scott lied.

“Really? That’s weird because I see your bike right there,” Cole said pointing at the green dirt bike in the parking lot. “Seriously what’s going on?”

"Peter is after you," Stiles said. This time Cole actually thought this was the truth.

"I thought he was after Scott," Cole said.

"Yes but his henchman is helping Peter get Scott so Peter is helping his henchman get you," Stiles explained.

"What does this have to do with soccer?" Cole asked.

"Peter knows you play soccer and none of us do so he's planning on showing up at one of the away games," Stiles replied. "We're trying to get on the team or jeopardizing your chances of getting on the team." Just then one of the boys hit the ball and it went flying into Cole's head.

"Spinner, how the hell were you the best in your province? Do they suck at soccer in Canada?" Coach shouted. Cole then grabbed the ball.

"Danny, get in the net," Cole said and Danny did as told. He walked up to the half way line and lined up to kick the ball.

"There's no way he'll score on Danny from there," Isaac said. Cole laughed and kicked the ball perfectly landing in the top right corner of the goal Danny dove and tried to grab it but it was put of his reach. Coach looked at him with a shocked look.

“I guess you’re going to have to find a way to make it on the team then,” Cole said and got everyone to continue with the drill. 

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