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Darkness spilled upon the scene. A crow cawed as it flew to land in a tree, only to be snatched up by the willow's long branches.

A shadowed figure swept across the damp, dew covered grass, making its way towards the heavy doors of the great Hogwarts castle.

Flicking his wand, he opened the doors and drifted casually into the brightly lit hall. Appearing disappointed, he looked to both sides of himself to see hundreds of people concealed within paintings, gawking at him, their faces full of terror. Now amused, he turned down another hall and stopped at the foot of a large stone gargoyle.

He whispered a sort of, made up language. The gargoyle moved, revealing a staircase. The figure hopped up them two at a time until he found himself face to face with an old oak wood door. He knocked his knuckles upon it multiple times until he heard the calm voice say, "Enter."

He turned the brass door knob and pushed the door open to reveal a tall, humble, old man sitting behind a large desk.

The cloaked figure raised his wand and pointed it at the old man, lowering his hood with the other hand.

Dumbledore smiled at him.

"Hello, Harry Potter."

A blinding green light shot out of Harry's wand and-

Harry Potter woke with a start., both of his hands placed roughly upon his head.

He was confused. The last time his scar hurt was eight years ago. The day he finished off Lord Voldemort. Since then, his scar didn't so much as tickle one single time. Yet here he was, his scar burning as if his head had been set on fire. 

And what about that dream? Harry had killed Dumbledore. The man who had practically thought of him like his son. No, more like a brother. Dumbledore had never looked down upon Harry. He treated him as an equal. And still, Harry killed him. Sure, it was only a dream, but wasn't there a meaning beyond all dreams?

Harry rubbed the palm of his hand forcefully against his forehead. He didn't want to admit it, but he missed Dumbledore. It may have been nearly nine years since he died, but the passing time didn't heal the pain he felt every time he thought of him.

Trying to occupy his mind elsewhere, Harry glanced to the side of himself. The place where his wife Ginny should have been, was empty. As if on cue, a scream sounded from nearby, causing Harry to sigh. Ginny and Harry had just recently had their second child, Albus Severus. He was extremely colicky compared to his older brother James. Harry had offered countless times to get up at night instead of Ginny, but she insisted she had to do it, seeing as she looked after the children while Harry still worked. Harry couldn't help but eventually give in. Being an auror wasn't the easiest job. Especially with the lack of sleep.

Laying back down, Harry shut his eyes. He quickly floated off into a nice, peaceful sleep, his previous dream diminishing quicker-the deeper he slept, until the late night awakening was forgotten completely.


Yeah, so, bad chapter... I promise it will get better! But you had to suffer through this one. If you haven't noticed already, I TOTALLY abuse commas. Ignore that. (: 

I've had this story in my head for nearly a year now, but I've only just written it down. I had never planned on posting it, but my friend pushed me to, so...


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