Chapter One: Day One at Hogwarts

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Twelve Years Later...

Lily glanced back with uncertainty at her father, her trolley in front of her. 

He nodded to her.

Lily took a deep breath and slowly started pushing the trolley towards the platform. People were running all around her, trying to get to the correct platform before the train departed from the station. She squinted her eyes and leaned over her cart, picking up a little bit of speed until she was in a full out run. She was slightly skeptical as to whether or not she would crash into the solid barrier. She had been through it a few times before, but never was she pushing the cart herself. Each footstep took her closer and closer, making her heart pound quicker and quicker. And then it happened. She went right through the brick column which brought her to the legendary platform. She was amazed. Looking up, she noticed a large sign bearing the numbers 9-3/4. 

"Platform nine and three-quarters," she whispered to herself. 

Seconds later, her mother and father appeared behind her. They each put a hand on her shoulder as they guided her through the huge maze of people.

Lily had been on Platform nine and three-quarters three times before, but this was the first time she was there for herself. The previous times were for her older brothers James and Albus. This year, James was going into year four and Albus was going into year three. And now Lily was going to be a first year. Lily had been anxiously anticipating the day she would be able to attend school at the great Hogwarts castle for as long as she could remember, but now she was just anxious.

Through the abundant mass of people, the Potter's spotted three red heads and a brunnette waving to them. They slowly made their way over to them.

"Ron, Hermione. It's great to see you," Harry said as he and his family approached the Weasleys.

"I-i-its th-the f-famous Harry P-Potter," Ron sputtered out, with shock on his face, before he and Harry bursted out laughing.

Hermione and Ginny shook their heads silently as they watched their husbands joking around with each. They now centered their attention to each other.

"So its finally Lily's time to attend Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, though she already knew the answer.

Lily nodded, gulping.

Rose, Hermione's daughter, stepped forward to reassure her young cousin. "Trust me, Lily. James and Albus over exaggerate everything. Hogwarts is brilliant. There is nothing scary about it," Rose rubbed Lily's back gently. 

"Rose will be there for you if you need help getting around the castle," Ginny told Lily. Ginny looked up a clock nearby. "But it's time for you guys to board the train.

"When you see Albus and James, tell them Harry and I said not to get into too much mischief,"

"Mom, they're like twin terrors. I can't see them not getting into trouble," Lily replied, causing Ginny and Hermione to laugh.

"You're more than correct, but you really do need to find a spot before the train leaves."

Ron and Harry walked over to Hermione and Ginny just as Rose, Lily, and Hugo carried their suitcases over to the large red and black train.

"I can't believe our youngests' are already off to school," Harry exclaimed to the other three adults. "It seems just yesterday that Lily and Hugo were still in cribs."

"Tell me about it,"  Ron added as the three children boarded the train.

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny began to talk excitedly about the children, but Harry zoned them out. His focus was on a thin boy he saw talking to Scorpius Malfoy, the son of Harry's nemesis- Draco Malfoy. 

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