Chapter Two: He's a Hufflepuff?

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Lily woke up the next morning with a headache. As she sat up, she rubbed her head, longing for a glass of water. After standing up, she froze, instantly looking at her surroundings. She was in a small room with 2 other girls sleeping on beds similar to her own. Lily tried to figure out how she got in to this room, but she couldn't. The last thing she remembered was setting her head on the table in the Great Hall last night. She must have fallen asleep. But how did she get here?

Lily made her way to the door and opened it slowly, being careful to not wake up her roommates. Walking down a spiral staircase, Lily found herself in what appeared to be the Slytherin common room. There were two black leather couches surrounding a large fire place, and five or six armchairs spaced out across the room. If this was the dungeons, it was a lot more extravagant than what Lily had been expecting. 

Lily had been lost in thought when someone called to her from one of the couches. It was Tom.

"Did you want something?" Lily asked him as she made her way over to the couch.

"Yeah. Sit down?" He asked.

Lily did as she was told, but she sat as far as she could from the brown haired boy.

"Aw. I don't bite. Honestly." He said, looking almost amused.

"I don't know," Lily said. "You look like a trouble maker. Well, you'd have to be, to be friends with Albus. I don't even want to know what you're capable of."

"Well I'm able to carry a sleepy first year all the way from the Great Hall to the dungeons."

"You-you carried me? That's how I got to my room? B-but I thought boys couldn't get into the girls bedrooms. I thought the stairs transformed into a ramp. So any boy trying to get to a girls room would fall back down. That's what dad and uncle Ron told me. They tried to get into aunt Hermione's room, but they said they slid right down the stairs."

Tom laughed. "That's only in Gryffindor. Us Slytherins get a longer leash."

"A longer leash?" Lily shrieked. "You could break into our rooms and rape us while we're sleeping!"

 A few other Slytherins who were also in the common room, shot Lily and Tom strange looks. 

"Aw," Tom said with a frown on his face, "You ruined the surprise."

Lily glared loathingly at Tom as Albus bounded down the staircase.

"Hey guys, how're you-" He stopped mid sentence, seeing the look on Lily's face that he knew all too well. "Tom, what did you do?"

Tom held his arms in the air. "Nothing! I swear. Your sister is crazy."

Albus snorted, sitting in between Tom and Lily on the couch. "Tell me about it." 

Lily got up and made a beeline for the door. 

"Aw, sis. We didn't mean it!" Albus yelled after her, but Lily kept going.

Slamming the door shut behind herself, Lily ran down hallway after hallway until she was puffing out loud. She had just been meaning to stop and take a break when she ran into someone. Mumbling an apology, she looked up to find herself looking at an older (and quite handsome, I might add) blond haired gentleman. His eyes were dark and empty-looking. Lily almost felt bad for him for a second.

"I-I'm sorry," Lily said.

"Psht. Like a Potter is ever sorry for his mistakes. You're just a fame-sucking brat," The boy pushed past Lily, but Lily grabbed his arm.

"Whoa, buddy. I don't know what you have against my family, but I can sure as hell tell you I'm nothing like them. Do you really think I like fame? When I was younger if I did so much as sneeze, it was all over the papers. And now, I bet the papers are full of how I 'betrayed' the Potter family with Albus and 'joined' the Slytherins. Why the heck did I have to be in Slytherin?" Lily ranted mostly to herself.

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