Chapter Six: Gnomes

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Over a week passed, and Lily found herself entering her third week at Hogwarts.

By this time, she had already watched all of the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch practices. James and Lucius Junior were Chasers on the Gryffindor team. Juniors' cousin Ariana Black (the granddaughter of Sirius), was also on the team. She was a Beater. From what Lily could see, Ariana absolutely despised both the Potter and Malfoy families, yet they got somewhat along on the Quidditch pitch. Even so, they weren't bosom buddies. 

Lily's classes definitely weren't getting any easier either. She excelled greatly at flying, as did Natalie and Jacky. One of the things Lily wasn't good at, though, was Herbology. I mean, really! Who wants to learn about a bunch of plants that can scream or beat you with their branches?

McGonagalls prediction did indeed come true, though. Lily did end up becoming top of her year, Hugo trailing right after. Then again, Hugo was Hermione's child. It was bound to happen.

But ever since the day of the first Slytherin practice, Lily couldn't stop thinking about that guy. Why was he there? Why did he save her? Who was he?

Apparently, no one had noticed him. Lily had asked Jacky, Natalie, and everyone on the team numerous times if they saw the guy who knocked her out of the way, and they all had the same response. "I didn't see a thing." It was incredibly infuriating. But Lily figured she'd find out who he was eventually. I mean, how big is the castle? Probably too big...

So at Flying on Monday, Madam Hooch led the first years out onto the castle grounds to begin their  lesson. Most of the students already had the hang of flying, but some, such as Hugo's mate Riley, were still a bit fearful of flying so high above the ground. 

During this lesson, Madam Hooch gave Lily, Jacky, and Natalie permission to toss a quaffle around. Anxious to get away from Madam Hooches watchful eye, the three girls mounted their Nibus 2001's and flew a good 25 feet above the ground.

"So Lily," Jacky said. "This mystery guy. Is he cute?"

Jacky tossed the quaffle to Lily. 

"Mystery guy? And how am I supposed to know? I told you, I only caught sight of the back of his head..."

Lily tossed the weathered ball to Natalie.

"But did you like the back of his head?" Natalie asked, as they threw the ball clockwise to each other. Going from Jacky, to Lily, then Natalie, and back to Jacky.

"I...Don't know how to answer that," Lily said, throwing the quaffle a bit too hard at an unexpecting Natalie. It landed a few feet away from Hagrid's hut, where he was currently in the middle of a Care of Magical Creatures lesson.

"I'll get it," Lily offered. She missiled straight down at the ground, pulling herself up at the very last moment, before reaching her hand down and scooping up the dark red quaffle. She could tell a few of the students were watching her, but she shook it off. Besides, she should be used to it by now! 

Lily had been turning around, mid air, when a booming voice stopped her.

"Aye! Lily! Come 'ere. I'm teachin' the 5th 'ears about Gnomes. Yeh know ah bit about them, don't yeh?" Hagrid asked. 

Lily landed next to Hagrid and was very aware of the class watching her. Noting the black and yellow robes, Lily decided they were Hufflepuffs. 

"A gnome is a small, manlike magical creature that typically lives underground, and derives from humans. They are commonly found in gardens. I know for a fact that my grandparents have many in their garden." Lily said in one breath.

"Which grandparents? Certainly not the Potters!" One kid shouted out. 

Lily closed her eyes and bit her lip, before opening them again. 

"No, sir. I am talking about the Weasleys. Now, Hagrid, if you excuse me, I have a flying lesson to get back to."

Hagrid looked upset. Most likely from that kids outburst. Harry had once told Lily how fond Hagrid was of James. "O' course. O' course. But thanks fer educatin' us! And make sure yeh drop by and see me sometime this week." 

Lily nodded, before turning around, mounting her broom, and flying off. Just to make those students even move envious, she did a couple spins and turns in the air before going back to join her two friends.

"You were over there for an awfully long time. What's wrong?" Natalie asked, noticing the frown upon her face.

Lily sighed. "Stupid kids are what's wrong. But lets forget about it, what were you guys talking about?" 

For the remainder of the lesson, the three girls tossed around the quaffle and chatted inadvertently. After giving Madam Hooch their brooms, the girls were walking up to the school on their way to their next lesson when someone tapped Lily on the shoulder. She looked back, causing her to groan.

"I strung you up by your ankles, and you're still stalking me?" Lily asked. Natalie and Jacky had walked away without noticing they'd left Lily behind. She'd have to get back at them later for that.

Lucas Weatherford laughed. "Like you know to do that spell... I know your idiot brothers did that."

Lily raised her eyebrows. "I lied to McGonagall. I know Levicorpus."

"Prove it," Lucas demanded.

"Really? Okay, well..." Lily took out her wand, and turned back and pointed it at Lucas.

"What are you doing?"

"You asked me to prove it, didn't you?" 

"Y-yeah but n-not on me!" 

"Aww. Is little Lukey Boy afraid?" Lily asked as she lowered her wand.

"Yeah. Luke Weatherford, scared of a little 1st year. Totally," He said, sarcasm in every word.

"Okay, so why are you talking to me?" Lily asked as they entered the castle.

"Oh, uh, I...I was just in Hagrid's lesson, and I was just wondering if you were okay?"

"Okay? I don't understand. You mean what that dumb kid said? That doesn't bother me."

"No...I heard you almost got hit by some doofus last week,"

"Oh, yeah. My friends and I were watching the Slytherin practice and Tom was too busy trying to get the snitch, he didn't notice us. Some guy knocked me out of the way, though," Lily said. 

"Someone pushed you out of the way? Who?"

"I dunno. I only saw the back of his head. Now, I'm sorry, but I have to get to class. If I'm late to Defence Against the Dark Arts, Professor Merrythought will be more than displeased."

"Well tell me when you find out who he is!"

Lily walked hurriedly away towards her next lesson. It wasn't until after she was seated in DADA that she realized something. Lucas was nice to her... 


I've had this much written for a while and had a pretty big chunk done, too, but Padfoot is impatient, so I had to chop the chunk off. :\ Part two will be uploaded tomorrow at the earliest, Tuesday at the latest. I REALLY wanted to make this chapter a lot longer, but Padfoot is a huge wanker. :( 


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