Chapter Sieben: Secrets Revealed

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This is kind of part two of Chapter Sechs. So, yeah. I hope you like it! I had part of it written for like 3 weeks, but I just recently wrote most of it in study hall. haha



"Hey Lily, what happened to you? Jacky and I thought you were right behind us, but then you disappeared." Natalie said, sitting next to Lily. "We would have stopped, but we had to run to the dormitory to grab our books before heading over here."

"Oh that's fine. But you'll never guess who talked to me! It was Lu-" But Lily was cut off by Professor Merrythought entering the room.

"Hello, class. Welcome to another wonderful Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson!" Professor Merrythought said as she walked up to the front of the class. "Today we will be learning the severing charm. Does anyone know the incantation for this spell?" 

Professor Merrythought's eyes immediately found Lily's, but Lily turned her head, pretending to yawn. Eventually a Gryffindor raised his hand and answered. 

"Yes, Mr. Scamander," Professor Merrythought said, "The charm is diffindo."

Lily looked up at the boy. It was Lorcan Scamander. His twin Lysander was seated right next to him. Lily knew them quite well. But, she should, shouldn't she? She was named Lily Luna, after all. After Lorcan and Lysander's mom Luna. Harry and Ginny were friends with Luna.

"Alright everyone, watch forth as I show you how to perform this spell," Merrythought says.

A bunched up piece of parchment was lying beside the Professors metal garbage can. Without hesitation, Merrythought clearly spoke "Diffindo," causing the parchment to go aflame and turn to ashes. Lily couldn't help but wonder why Merrythought would do that. To burn a piece of paper she easily could have thrown away. There must have been something behind it...Something that made it more valuable. But then why wait until now to destroy it? Lily couldn't even figure out that one.

After going to her last lesson of the day, Lily trudged down to the Great Hall all by herself. Natalie started going out with a Slytherin second year the other day, and they have been sitting together at dinner. And then Jacky was up in the library studying. For what, who knows? But that meant Lily was alone. Still, Lily promised to save Jacky a few bread rolls.

Lily knew she was lucky to have two wonderful friends. She almost felt like her father, in sorts. He had his famous trio of friends. Lily's was made completely of girls, so no awkward love triangle there. To be honest, Lily didn't particularly find any of the wizards at Hogwarts appealing, though. Then again, she's only really met a couple of her brothers best friends. 

After entering the Great Hall and everyone else was seated around their table, McGonagall stepped up to her podium.

"Today we have a very special guest!" Lily felt her brother tense up beside her, but she only ignored it. "Everyone give a warm welcome to Mr. Harry Potter!" 

Lily gaped. Albus was just as frozen up. Sure, they both heard the howler, but neither one of them ACTUALLY believed their father would show up at Hogwarts! Let alone during dinner! Everyone except the two siblings started clapping. The sound of it beat against the walls like a drum.

"Thank you Professor McGonagall," Harry said as he leisurely made his way to the Slytherin table. "You have no clue how spectacular it feels to be back within the walls of Hogwarts. Thank you for allowing me to visit!"

"Alright then, lets eat!"

With that, Harry sat down across from Lily. Eyes flickered from every corner of the room to get a glance at him, but Harry only ignored it.

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