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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••             (Y/N)'s P O V
"Um.. Can I sit here?" I ask the red head.

The red head slowly looks up, I observe his glasses and his unique eyes. He has messy red hair and pointy teeth.

"Sure!" He exclaims.

'I wasn't expecting that..' I thought.

I sit down and put my bag next to me.
I look around the classroom seeing people either talking, sleeping or texting. I sigh as I put myself deep in thought.

'That blonde, What did he do to deserve to get bullied... Wait what was his name..? Oh yeah! Alohis! No  wait.. Alois! That's it! Hmm what was blue-haired boy name?
I can't help but think they are both so cute! Wait what? They properly already have girlfriends..'

A slight creek from the door set my mind free from thought.

"Hello, Class." A monotone voice says, I see a black-haired man walk in with glasses.

As soon as he comes in most of the girls squeal with 'hearts' in they're eyes.

"Today we will be learning about.."
•••Time Skip•••

"Okay, Class has almost ended now you can begin to pack up." Mr. Fautus says loudly.

I begin to pack up I look up to see the teacher winking at girls saying, 'Pack up. Or you will get punished~' I groan as I begin walking to class but bumping into someone.

"Ow.. Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim and look down to give a hand to that person.

'Its that red head from earlier..' I think to myself.

"Oh it's okay darling, Oh my it's you from science! I'm Grell Sutcliff! You?"
He says proudly.

"Oh. I'm (Y/N)!" I say happily.

" Well I got to go! Bye darling !" He sings.

I walk to the next class...

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