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Sorry for the short chapter before.

I saw Leona get ready to punch as her two minions follow her. I panic not knowing if she can take them all on. I look around the see Lizzy and Ciel chatting, I take one final glimpse of Leona and run the Lizzy and Ciel changing my facial expression from worried to a soft smile.

"And th- Oh! Heya (Y/N)!" Lizzy exclaim.

I wave back at her looking around to see if Leona was around.

"You seem like you are in a hurry." Ciel says with his usual monotone voice.

"Yeah.. I thought l was late to school but then I saw you guys.." I lie, hoping Ciel and Lizzy won't notice.

"Any way! Lets go!" Lizzy says ecstatically as she holds our hands with her in the middle practically dragging us to school.


As we arrived I saw Alois in the distance, me giving him a hateful glare and Alois smirking for some reason in the distance.

I looked away and saw that Ciel and Lizzy already left me, I spotted Leona come towards me with a menacing glare.

"You ran away, how cowardly." Leona says with a smug smirk that made me want to hurt her.

"I was being the bigger person. Fighting is just going get us in trouble." I bravely say, trying not to explode.

"Goody two shoes huh?" Leona says snickering.

"Yeah, so what?" I spit back at her.

"I saw you flirting with Ciel and that blonde brat." Leona shouts back at me.

"You got it all mixed up, it's called talking hun." I say patting her on the head and turning my heel to walk away.

I have a bad feeling.

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