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I woke up with a smile while remembering what we did, I forced him to wear nail polish, yadada, we all know what happened.

So the first thing I do is check my phone,


I heard a knock on the door and I looked up from under the comfy blankets to see Hannah with my clothes, all cleaned and washed.

"Oh thanks, you didn't have to do that.." I said.

Hannah looked down shamfully.

"Oh I'm sorry..please don't punish me I didn't mean to.." She said quietly.

"Huh? Who said I was going to punish you, besides it was nice of you.." I said warmly.

Hannah looked up feeling better and let me put my clothes on and lead me to the dining room.


"Heya (Y/N) has Hannah been a problem to you?" Alois says slyly.

I shake my head and continue eating my breakfast when I heard.

"Hannah, you're so clumsy and stupid! You can't just spill sugar like that!" I heard Alois shout followed by a loud clapping noise.

I looked to the side to the Hannah holding her cheek that was visibly red and Alois giving her a disappointed face.

"Alois don't do that everyone makes mistakes.." I say softly slightly angered at Alois.

"She deserved it. She makes more mistakes than any human." Alois says narrowing his eyes at her.

"Alois if you can't accept the fact that people make mistakes than you are no better." I say as I stand up from my chair.

"It's her fault for being a whore, dumb idiotic bitch!" Alois shouts at me.

"Well if you weren't an asshole then everyone would be fine and happy but nooo you just decided to be an annoying brat!" I shout back at him.

Alois walked over to me and slaps my cheek. I hold it in disbelief and leave while hearing servants gasping.


don't hate me please

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