Family Ties

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Third Person
"Daddy!" The little girl squeals as her father pushes her on the red swing set. The little girl's father chuckled. He was a tall man with thick brown hair, deep blue eyes, and a muscular build. He has a spare upper lip and a full lower lip which adorns his features. The man looked to be about 30 and was pushing his small four year old daughter on a swing. Her light brown, wavy hair was flying back and forth with her movements. The wind that was gushing past her bit at her light olive skin and made her grey eyes blurry. She was giggling in delight despite the cool blow of wind.

A few feet away on a park bench, sat a women with long, golden blonde hair and blue, grey eyes. She was smiling adoringly at her husband and daughter. The women was 28 but looked like she was 22, she just had a nice glow about her that made her look younger than what she was.

"Peyton! Look over here sweetie!" The women called out to her daughter.

The toddler looked over at her mother and smiled her little, cute smile. The women took a picture to capture the moment and looked around. She stood from her spot on the bench and walked towards her family. Which was missing one. "Where's Ry?" She asked her husband.

The man pursed his lips together and scanned the area for his son. "Ah," He said and pointed a finger towards the field where a seven year old boy with dark brown hair matching his father's was playing. "He's right over there." He looked back towards his wife.

She was intently watching Ryder play with his new soccer ball, which was not only her son's but also her favorite sport. She smiled as she watched her son kick the ball into a makeshift goal.

"Tris." She turned her head to the voice of her husband. "Did you hear what I said?" He asked her.

Tris shook her head in response. "I asked if you wanted to bring the kids for ice cream." He chuckled.

"Oh, sure. They'd love that." She nodded and the man smiled. He leaned forward and placed a featherlight kiss on her forehead. "I'll go get Ry, you get Peyton in the car." She told him.

"Okay." Tobias said and reached forward to slow the swing that Peyton was on.

"Daddy," She whined. "what are you doing? I want to swing."

"Sorry baby, but we're taking a trip." He replied.

"But I don't wanna go on a trip, I wanna stay here and swing!" She pouts.

The older man sighed. "Mommy and I are taking you and your brother somewhere for a surprise." He said enthusiastically.

The little girl gasped in happiness. "Where?" She asked with a big smile. Unlike her mother, the little girl loved surprises.

Tobias chuckled. "Now, it wouldn't be a surprise if I told. Would it?" Peyton shook her head in response.

"You'll love it," He grinned and picked up his little girl, placing a kiss on her temple. "I promise."

She nodded and placed her head in the crook of his neck while he carried her to a 2014 black Toyota Highlander. He buckled her in her car seat and sat in the drivers seat, waiting for Tris and Ryder to join them in the vehicle.

Five minutes later Tris walked to the car with an excited Ryder running in front of her. He quickly opened the door and buckled himself into his seat. Tris also got into the car, chuckling.

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