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Chuckling, I shake my head dismissively. "No Tobias, I do not have a boyfriend yet." I answer his question.

He rolls his eyes. "I still can't see how no guy would want to date you!" he exclaims, his hands outstretched to towards me. "Quite honestly, I would turn straight for you...I-If I was gay, which I'm not. I'm just h-hypothetically speaking, ya know?" he says, searching the back of his neck.

"Mhm, sure." I hum, my eyes narrowed on him.

I've been a little suspicious of him lately. He says he's straight, but I don't entirely believe him. I mean, he's dated girls before, but he's never really looked like he was completely elated by their presence. But I've always used the excuse that it's his cold, closed off demeanor. Which it may very well be just that. But there's something in the back of my mind that's saying otherwise.

"Well, I would say something to you about girls liking you, but they practically throw themselves at you. I mean, seriously. Who the hell does that? Are you that pathetic?" I rant while roll my eyes.

And during that eye roll, my eyes locked on a man walking into the bar. His dark skin shining in the low lights of the bar. He's wearing a t-shirt that reads in big white bold letters, 'Army Marine Corps.' and some dark jeans. On the shirt is also a large American flag that's on the left side of the text. The man's hair is dark brown and is clipped closely to the top of his head. His jaw line looks so sharp that it could cut through paper, and his lips are big and full. To say that he's handsome would be the understatement of the century. He's fucking hot.

My gaze quickly turns back to Tobias' after I notice I've been staring for too long. "Hm, what?"

Tobias chuckles and shakes his head. "Who's the guy stealing your attention? 'Cause you're obviously not paying any attention to me. Your friend. Your best friend. The one who you confide in, tell anything to, share your darkest secrets with. You know, that kind of stuff? S-"

"Alright, alright. I get it. Now shut the hell up." I say.

He holds his hands up in mock surrender. I walk around from the back of the bar, towards the double doors that lead to the back. All I do is take a few steps in so I can check to see how I look in the mirror.

Once I see my reflection, I frown a bit. My boobs are too small. Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. I can fix that. Grabbing on to my bra, I pull it up a little so that my boobs squish up and look bigger. Still not working. Oh! I know what I can do. Quickly, I walk to the restrooms that are in the back that the employees use.

I'm honestly so glad that Christina told me about this, I just hope it works. I unravel a bit of toilet paper from the roll, then cut it off and jumble it up. Pulling my shirt back a bit, I push the ball of toilet paper into my bra. Then I do the same with the other. As I look up in the mirror, I see that my boobs do indeed look bigger. Thank you, Christina.

I adjust my white button up a bit so it doesn't look as wrinkly. I am not going to unbutton any buttons or pull it down, though. I'm not some desperate slut.

Sighing, I look over myself one more time. Feeling more satisfied with my look. Then I walk back out through the double doors.

My eyes scan over the mass of people in the room, then they land on Tobias. Who is currently talking with the hot guy. Great. This means I shouldn't make a total fool of myself, since Tobias will be there next to me.

"Hey." I say casually as I step into the back of the bar, making sure to stand in front of the hot guy this time instead of Tobias. But I direct my greeting more towards him instead of the hot guy so I don't seem desperate or rude.

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