I'm Gonna Show You Crazy

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Seven thirty. Yeah, I'm officially late to dinner. Not that I care though. Nobody's going to be surprised. I'm usually late anyway, but I like to call it fashionably late.

To them it's a 'sin' to be late to dinner. I chuckle at the thought. So what? I'm late and because of that I deserve to be in hell? Wouldn't be the first time I've sinned.

Looking in the mirror, I check my appearance one last time. I'm wearing high waisted black jeggings with a bra-looking kind of top. It's also black with a platinum silver color in the shape of triangles as a design on it towards the middle of my breasts. There's a silver line of—well, I don't really know what it is to be exactly—going along the top of it, all the way down where it dips into a wide V shape. The top ends a couple inches under my breasts and has a strip of silver going around it.

Covering up the top is my favorite black leather jacket that has silver studs on the shoulders and collar. Lastly, I have my black Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star shoes to go with it. I matche the outfit with some silver bracelets on my left wrist and a chunky black on on my right.

I love the way I look. This outfits makes me look badass and it gives me a lot of confidence. Though, I can't say my parents and siblings will be too happy about it. The second I sit at the dinner table is when the bitching will start about what I'm wearing. Then it will progress to my sassy, feisty attitude and eventually how I'm a disgrace to the family.

Once I'm satisfied with how I look, I walk out my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I walk into our brightly colored dinning room and sit down at my chair at the end of the table next to my older sister, Lauren.

She has beautiful black hair, which use to be brown, and dark green eyes. She's the epitome of perfect. With her curves, long legs, and how tall she is. Sitting next to her is her fiancé, Nick. He has the same black hair as her and has dark brown eyes.

At the head of the table sits my father in his nice purple suit. He seriously looks like a fucking plum with that suit on. On his right is my mother with her hair pulled up with a nice pearl necklace on and a light blue dress. Next to her is my grandma Edith in a light red, almost pink, pantsuit. Lastly, sitting in front of me, is my older brother Caleb in his colorful polo shirt and a blue sweater wrapped around his shoulders. He looks gay with that outfit on.

As soon as I sat down in my seat, all conversation about my sister's upcoming wedding is dismissed and everyone's attention is now on me. My mother's eyes rack down my body, looking at my outfit. She shakes her head in disappointment, not only about my appearance but my tardiness as well.

Caleb glances up at me from his meal, frowning in disapproval as well. I roll my eyes and sigh. And of course, this is the moment where the 'fun' begins. The disappointment, the nagging, the judging, the 'why can't you be more like your sister?' talk. Everything.

All of their words spin around in my head as I glance around at each of them as they say some terrible thing about me.

"I have absolutely had enough of you."

"Ugh, you're so embarrassing. I can't believe I'm related to you."

"This young lady is a major disappointment."

"Your music is awful. My friends were talking about it. It's embarrassing."

"I don't get it. Why can't you be normal?"

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