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~I usually never put an AN at the top of the story, but I just wanted to say two things. One; I recommend that you should not read this if you haven't seen season 3 episode 23 of Teen Wolf. It would be, more or less, a spoiler. I mean, you can read it if you haven't watched it, but just read at your own risk. I don't really care, that's up to you guys. You do you. And last of all, this is dedicated to WendyxBlanco Stiless_46 voidtobias and 46VioletWolves~



Once I hear the shrill scream of Christina's voice drawl out, I know that something is definitely not right. Tris.

I run as fast as I possibly can to the gate that's separating the inside of the old, worn down camp, to the outside. And what I see sucks every ounce of my breathe from out of me.

Every single bone in my body feels like it breaks when I see the Oni pull the sword out of her stomach. My eyes widening in shock and horror. Everything in me deflates and falls to the very pit of my stomach. Nervous and terrified butterflies swarming inside of it.

"Tris!" I yell out as I push back the metal-chained gate, running towards her.

She falls backwards, landing directly into my arms. They wind themselves around her small body, holding her close from behind. My knees buckle down as I slowly pull the both of us to the ground.

I sit down, one leg crossing and the other bent, staying straight up. The leg that crossed is the one I lay her down on. Her feet straying off to the other side of me.

I cradle her in my arms as everything around us seems to freeze in time. Just like every kiss, every hug, every moment we ever shared. But it's in the past.

"Tris." I whisper, my breathe coming out raggedly.

She starts panting, desperately gasping for breathe. "D...did you find her?" she says softly, almost in a whisper. "Is she okay? Is Christina safe?"

My hand goes to her face, brushing back her hair on each side as she stares up at me, her eyes darting back and forth between mine. "Yeah, she's okay." I answer with a nod of my head.

She continues to breathe heavily as all the oxygen seems to try and escape her, but she holds on. She's fighter. I've known that since the second she walked into the animal clinic that one night. When she was having a mental breakdown of almost running over that dog, but she stayed strong and composed herself as much as she could. That time seems like it was so long ago.

Her hand presses against the top of her stomach, right below her ribs. My hand automatically pressed against it as well, to help her and stop the bleeding. It soon turns red with her blood, as hers is already covered in it.

Then, I move my hand so it's loosely gripping on to her hand. Trying to relieve the pain she's in. My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I don't feel anything come from her body, and into my veins. I try again, but it still doesn't seem to work. Why the hell isn't it working?

I look at her and back down at her hand, blinking back the tears that try to escape. "I-I can't..." My voice wavers, despite me trying my best not to let it do so.

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