Temporary Pleasures

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Here I am again.

Pondering about the fact that most of the time we get ourselves into trouble involuntarily, perhaps thinking that that'll make us happier. I say this now, because I'm going through some stuff and I am somewhere, I never thought I would be.

What a happy person I was, quite carefree and knew clearly what my priorities were. I knew exactly what I had to do and when I had to do what.

I didn't give a damn; never used to think so much but, now all I do is think and worry and what not. It's like I knew what was going on around but, not anymore.

The thing is that a person undertakes an activity thinking that it will make him/her happy and if not specifically happy then they think that they wouldn't end up being sad or confused. If it was crystal since the very beginning that how a certain 'something' will end up one would be quite meticulous while going further.

Folks, I want you to concentrate to what I'm about to say. I need you to almost listen as if you can clearly hear me. If you cannot concentrate then you might miss my whole point.

There's one thing that I need to say that I think might help you, if you're in my stage of life.

I want to be free in life, for that I need to be independent, I can't depend on anyone else and I will not.

You know, I thought that something or someone else might make me happier than that and, I say sternly that I was wrong.

I was wrong to think that some 'chilling out' could actually be nice in the long run. Some movies and junk food outdoors could be good in the long run.

Alas! I was wrong.

How stupid of me?

Though I won't say that one shouldn't do all these things; everyone should, we should enjoy our lives but, I don't want anyone to forget that these don't last as long as bigger goals in life do.

Let me give you an instance: my friend and I were talking and she told me that she had a burger for lunch (who doesn't like burgers?) and I say that my mom made me have broccoli and other vegetables (-_-) (I don't like broccoli) and, then she says that she's still hungry. I say I'm not.

Suddenly what struck me was this thought that, it didn't matter what we had but, all that mattered now was if we were full or not.

In other words the pleasure of food lasts only for the while you're eating it and, once you're done, it's over. It doesn't matter if you spent $1 or $5 on food.

What I'm trying to say is that "one shouldn't make temporary pleasures their permanent pains."

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