A Long Drive

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It was an October evening, the sun was up but, was veiled by the grey clouds. It was almost like those grey clouds were trying to win me over by making the weather that pleasant, with which I was in love.

The sky was grey and the weather was cool, a lovely and cool breeze blew, making me revel such a day and such weather.

I was standing on the roadside; a rather isolated street it was, with my not-so-heavy bag hanging down my right shoulder. My denim jacket was in sharp contrast with my hazel- brown eyes.

I was waiting for him, he said that he'd be here in five minutes but it was more like ten minutes now and there was still no sign of him. Still I stood there waiting for him; knowing how long can his 'five minutes' last.

While I was wandering in my thoughts, traversing different views in my head, there stopped a black car right in front of me; I didn't bother. The window went down and I stooped to look inside and, there he was; the one that I had been waiting for.

"It's me, jump in.'', he smirked.

I got in the car knowing that the shotgun seat was mine. He drove, away from the city, with the windows down this time. The lovely breeze blew caressing my dark hair and stroking my neck. Being the music lover that I was, I connected my iphone and played some really soft, romantic music, just then he looked at me and smiled. The sweet eye contact thing that he and I usually did was happening, quite involuntarily.

''Keep your eyes on the road, lover boy'', I chimed.

''If you let me, besides the street is deserted after all it's a few miles away from the city'', he replied.

''Hmm.... Yeah, but still you've got to have your eyes on the road, darling'', I smirked.

''Hmm.......Indeed'', said he.

A romantic long drive it was. Exactly my kind of date; long drive, my favourite weather, amazing breeze, romantic music and him. I sat next to him wishing that this evening should never end, wishing that the country road that we drove on never came to an end. What a perfect evening it was until......


''Whoaa.... Look, look , look, it's going to rain, Zac'', I was smiling broadly and moving my eyes dreamingly.

He stopped the car on the left side of the road and I rushed out. The tiny droplets of elixir fell on my head making me as merry as ever.

While I was lost in the mesmerizing evening and the green fields all around, I looked at him. He was right there in his black jacket, his arms crossed, leaning against the car. He was staring at me; he knew exactly how much the rain made me happy; he was smiling because I was smiling.

Nothing needed to be said. He said nothing and neither did I. We just stood next to his car on a street that went right through the green fields on a captivating evening, smiling at each other in the rain.

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