It's just you.....

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I fail to understand this whole situation. Not so long ago I meant the world to you and now you probably don't remember my birthday.

The worst part is thinking that you won't ever miss me like I miss you.

Will you?

Or are you so eager to move on that you already have?

Is it just me obsessing about you or are you doing the same about me?

I don't think so.

You seem all happy and relaxed as if we never happened. You show as if my being there and not being there is just the same for you.

It seems that it may have been a bit different for you when I walked in your life, but walking out of it seems to have no effect on you.

There was a time when you couldn't pass a day without talking to me and here we are; and you're not even sure of my existence.

There was a time when talking to me 'was important to you' and now that doesn't even happen.

It's funny how you could switch your priorities so easily. And I just can't stop thinking about how I can't move on just like you did so easily?

Last night, even though I was dying to talk to you, I couldn't pull myself together to type 'hey' on whatsapp.

I do not know what the reason is. It may be my ego but i just feel that you don't wanna talk to me. It feels as if you reply only because it's rude not to. It feels that you reply only because you feel like you have to and if you had a choice you won't. That's what stops me from texting you.

For a moment I can think of pushing my ego a side to talk to you because it's you. It's just you.

But then the whole situation of feeling like you don't want to talk to me puts a halt at my heart felt desire. It's almost as if i feel that you'll call me 'desperate' or you think that I can't get another one is the reason that I want to talk to you. 

How it crushes me.

How it breaks my heart, that you moved on so easily, how you'll find another girl in no time.

How you'll talk to her like you used to talk to me. How you'll call her names that you used to call me. How you'll let her rest her head on your shoulder like you used to let me. How you'll kiss her on the head like you used to kiss me. How you'll stare into her eyes like you used to stare into mine.

And still my heart wants just you. I can still pull myself to call you first, and I can still forget all that happened if given a chance to be with you.

I'm ready to break the barriers and I'm ready to make the first move because it's just you.

It's just you..... 

It's just you.....

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