The Ball - I

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It was a breezy evening that day, when we had our ball.

I was waiting for him as he had to pick me up and contrary to the usual; girls take forever to get ready, I was ready before he could get anywhere near my place.

I halted moving around so much in the fear of ruining my red flowing slit gown, so I sat there marveling. Also, I couldn't move around so much in my sky-high black pumps.

I could smell chanel off my wrists, and it took me to another level.

I loved my chanel, you know, but I loved his cologne more, for no reason at all or perhaps because it was his.

Actually, his cologne was plainly breathtaking.

It was a ball, guys in suits and girls in gowns, the best kinds, you know. I loved guys in suits and he looked utter cute and classy in his, to be honest. How is that even possible?, to look both cute and smart at the same time? While I was traversing in my thoughts back and forth my iphone ringtone pulled me back reality, it was him. 'Ready?', he enquired.

'Been ready for a while now', I chimed. 'Then come on out, I'm out your door', said he.

I moved to the door in a rather faster pace than I'm accustomed to, excitement it was. As I pulled the door, he was right there, smiling with a bouquet of red roses in his hands. Oh! How I went all blank for a moment.

Just imagine, reader, the guy you love, in an all black suit with a red square pocket that just perfectly happens to match your dress, and his cute smile and those blushing roses, and that intense eye contact thing that usually happens with you two just happening. While we were drowned in each other for a moment, the time seemed to have frozen.

Finally, he soliloquized, 'gorgeous', with a deep breath. It seemed as though he had said that to himself and I just happened to hear it.

'Someone looks really handsome', I said with a smile. He handed me the bouquet and I kept it a side, 'Shall we', he smirked as he pulled out his arm for me to hold. I grabbed his arm gently 'yes, please', I cooed. Like a true gentleman he walked me to his car and held the door open for me, I got in, carefully, gowns can be hard to manage you know. He got in and off we drove, towards out destination. Our drives were always lovely, my playlist and us, what else do we need? We talked about everything and anything and also pulled each other's legs, quite sly it was and more fun than anything, but what I found the absolutely cute and heart winning was that moment when he just took my hand by one while driving the wheel by the other and kissed it with his eyes still fixed on the road.

Oh! Zac, how I wished that that drive never ended......


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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