Chapter 38 - "Holy Shit."

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As Noah shut the door, her stormed up to Isaiah and gave him an angry look.

"Why the hell would we just pull the plug on mom when you don't know if she's gonna live or not?" Noah scoffed.

"Why the hell would you won't her to live if this the shit she goin' through!?" Isaiah scoffed back at her.

"So you would rather mama just die instead of doing an operation on her like we PLANNED to do that could possibly save her life?" Noah laughed as he washed his hands. "You're so bright, Isaiah. That's why you aren't in this field."

"Is you tryin' to call me dumb?" Isaiah scoffed.

"If that's what you think you are." Noah scoffed, wringing a wet washcloth into the sink.

"Nigga, don't you ever forget that I paid for those books that got you in this damn hospital." Isaiah growled as he pointed to him. "You remember that I'm the one who got you here and into doin' these damn operations."

"And don't forget that I'm the one who saved your ass from doing 50 years behind bars." Noah scoffed, turning back to him and giving him a serious look. "Don't try to act like you made me. You ain't mama."

As the both of them gave each other vile looks, Noah wiped his face and walked back over to Aunt Shay.

"We're going through this operation." Noah growled. "End of discussion."

"And what happen if mama don't make it because of this risky ass operation?"

Noah's face flushed as he threw the washcloth into a bowl.

"Then she just don't make it." Noah said.

Isaiah shook his head, giving his brother a disappointed look.

"What the hell is happening to you?" Isaiah growled.

"Ain't shit happening to me. You and other people gone get enough of saying that bullshit." Noah laughed. "What's happening to Y'ALL?"

Isaiah grilled him, then walked out of the room.

"If I acting anythin' like the way you actin' now, I can see why mama put me out on the streets." Isaiah growled.

Noah was a little bothered by what everyone was saying about him, but he didn't care. He figured that everyone was jealous of him. I was just trying to figure out what was worse.

Him having a shitty attitude or him not knowing that his attitude was shitty.

A day later, Isaiah still hadn't gotten word from the officers on when Kayson could go back to school. While him and Tyler stayed at the house, Isaiah drove up to the homeless kitchen to see what was in store. When he walked inside, he seen a bunch of them crowded and eating at lunch tables. Here, homeless people could come here and get a good meal with no cost. The city paid for the building, so they gave they employees a fraction of the money to pay them in return. When Isaiah walked up to the front desk, he met with an older black woman who looked like she was in her late 50s or early 60s. Her gray hair was netted up in a cap and her apron was filthy with splatters of food from the kitchen. Someone else who were working there, were two women in their early 20s. One was light skinned and had shoulder length black hair that she kept in a ponytail, and the other was dark skinned with her hair in a bun.

"Hello!" The older woman smiled. "Are you here for a free meal?"

"Debra, does he look homeless to you?" The dark-skinned girl giggled.

"Aha." Isaiah chuckled. "Actually I uh.......I was here to fill out an application..."

"Well you don't have to know how to do anything but put food on a plate or in a bowl and clean up." Debra said. "Would you like to work kitchen duty or out here serving the plates?"

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