Phone Numbers and Feelings

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Taehyung Kim was quite the touchy man indeed.

"M-my phone number?!" You struggled to get out of his grasp, pulling away from him. However, he just kept tightening his grip on your small wrist.

"Yes! Pleash!" He kept trying to pull you away from the entrance of the university you were attending but to no avail; you weren't going down that easy.

"Kim, I have class right now! Let go!" You knew you were risking it when you let Taehyung walk you to your university after talking about what happened in the restaurant. Then again, he had insisted on doing so, making the point that a young woman such as yourself shouldn't be walking the streets of New York alone, regardless of the hour.

Now that brings the two of you here, with Taehyung having a tight grip on your wrist, begging for your phone number for who knows what, and you pulling away, just wanting to get to your class.

"Pleash! Englush teacher!" He was beginning to win the battle of where you were heading; you knew you should have taken the time to eat that bagel this morning. Every ounce of food counts for the strength you need to go up against this man. And after all, they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

"Why do you want my phone number?" You don't stop pulling away for one second, just as he doesn't stop pulling you towards him one bit.

"Because, Engleesh, right?" His grim was firm but not hurtful, and the blazing sensation that danced along your skin where he held tight let you know that you're subconscious was quite aware of it.

"But don't you have that one friend here?" You were almost out of breathe; not only were you tried of all this pushing and pulling but you were getting quite frustrated as well. He just wouldn't let go!

"Ah, yes, but I," he paused slightly, "I want you teash me Engleesh."

You flush another bright shade of red for the millionth time that day and give in, having stopped pulling away from him.

At this, he squeaks excitedly and pulls you into this arms, wrapping you into a very, very warm embrace.

"Okay, okay! Now get off me," you chuckle, pushing him away with your hands on his chest.

He just grins boyishly and scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.

Gosh, just how could one human being be so cute?

"Give me your phone," you say, putting your hand out. He obliges and hands you his phone.

After putting your number in his contacts under your name, you give him back his phone.

"How's that? We good?" You smile widely as he puts a finger on his chin to think about how to respond.

"Yes," he starts ,"t-teach-cher." He stuffs his hands in his pockets, pouting slightly.

"Haha," you laugh, "you almost got it."

He looks up and grins once more and then there's a moment of silence where neither of you say anything, you're just looking at each other as if you two are the only ones left on this planet.

This, you think, this is not.. normal. Why, why am I looking at him like this? Like as if.. I feel something for him?

And is if by on que, he smiles cheekily, taking his hands out of his pockets to take yours into them. They were ridiculously warm.

"Are your hands cold?" He begins to rub his hands and your hands together, trying to warm them up.

"Yeah," you whisper meekly, "they are."

It's just an attraction. A strong, physical, attraction.

He takes note of your expression and his own forms into that of a puzzled one.

"You okay? No sick? Cough, cough?" He stops rubbing your hands together and just holds them, his hands clasped over yours.

You smiled slightly at his choice of words; he still has a long way to go.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply.

The bell rings, indicating that you are so very late for class as well as pulling you out of your thoughts; you are in no position to be romantically involved with someone. And you hope that you can remember that for next time.

"Ah," you clear your throat,"I, ah, better get going."

He nods, walking forward without releasing your hands to give you one last tight hug, but you stop him midway, putting on a smile.

"There's no need; you really shouldn't be so touchy with someone you don't really know," you murmur softly, timid.

He frowns deeply, crosses his arms as you try not to meet his eyes. Slowly, his grip on your hands loosens and then they're free; you're physically free.

"I see you later then?" His tone is hopeful, trying to break the suddenly thick atmosphere.

"Yeah," you sigh, "see you then."

You really don't know what's up with you today, but as you wave goodbye to a certain young man named Kim Taehyung, a click goes off in your head.

He's only a stranger, but you can already tell that that won't be for long.

But you don't know if that's such a good or bad thing.

I am so so so so sorry for not writing all this time and then coming up with this crappy chapter :( Still I hope you guys enjoyed this even in the slightest bit :P Anyhow, have a good night everyone :)

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