*NEW* Camp Crush (maybe more!) Ch.1

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Ok this is something new......i am sorry about this not being a sequel to "Falling..." i just wanted to start fresh again! so please please tell me what you think about it!!! VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*Anna's POV*

~May 31st~

"Ok, promise to stay safe?" Grandma said putting both of her hands on the sides of my head, so she could look me in the eyes. Grandpa was at her side, smirking.

"For the hundredth time Grandma, we promise to be safe. We'll call you if we have any car trouble and we have enough money if something happens," Amber, my fraternal twin, repeated for, like she said, the hundredth time. She closed the trunk of the Mazda Tribute, securing all of our belongings for 2 months and came up to my side. Like twins, we were both 5'8," so I was used to talking and looking at her at eye level without feeling weird.

"We're good," I reassured Grandma.

"Ok," she shrugged, trusting us. She pulled me into a hug, and then did the same to Amber. "I love you. Call me to tell me about the camp and the campus. And if you need anything, I'll bring it to you right away," she said to both of us.

"Jean, they are fine. They are 18 and they know what to do if anything happens," Grandpa said to her. He turned towards me.

"Bye, pumpkin. I love you," he hugged me. He bent his head down close to my ear. "And don't call your grandmother, you'll make her paranoid," he whispered jokingly.

I chuckled. "I love you, Grandpa." And I really meant it. I loved my Grandpa so much.

He leaned over to Amber and said his farewells to her too. "Love you, Grandpa," she hugged him back.

Amber and I then turned around and headed for the SUV. Before we got in, we both waved trying to reassure and make Grandma feel better.

"I thought Grandma would never let us go," she commented as soon as we closed the doors. She started the car up, waved one more time, and we drove off. She put on her massive sun glasses and I put on my aviators.

I felt excited and anxious about what would happen in the next 2 months. We were going to Whispering Pines Summer Camp and we were both counselors. After the summer, me and Amber would be heading off to the University of Tennessee Knoxville, which was where our belated parents went and met. Grandma thought it would be a great opportunity if we went to the camp and got accustomed to the area, so we would know our surroundings when college came.

The counselors had to come a day before the kids, so they could all tell us what to do and so we could get situated with our living accommodations.

I was in charge of all the sports and games, which is totally awesome, since I love playing sports. That meant that I wasn't in charge of any kids AND I got my own little cabin. Unfortunately, Amber was in charge of Arts and Crafts and she was over some kids, which meant she had to sleep in the cabin with the kids.

Anyway, like I said, I loved sports! I was on the Soccer and Softball team back in High School. I would have been on the Basketball team too, if I could play 3 sports at a time, but that wasn't allowed.

My fraternal twin, Amber, did not have the sports gene that I got from my dad at all. She got the art gene from my mom that I SO did not get. I barely had readable handwriting.

Amber and I are so different yet so alike. She is artistic; I am not. I am sporty; she can't catch a tennis ball. She can swim, I can't (The camp was right on the lake, so since I couldn't swim, I didn't bother to bring a bathing suit.) I am daring; she is skeptical. She can get over things easier than I can. An example would be when our parents died when we were 12. We were both traumatized for months; me years, but she started to think of the good memories of our parents and I would sulk around the bad. She taught me how to get over things, and I just learned that I needed and had to get over their death sometime. I still want to hit a wall when I think about them, but, like my father always said, I can't waste my life being sad.

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