Camp Crush (maybe more!) Ch.14

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*For all the people who actually read the part before the chapter* Thank you so much for reading!!!!!!!!! READ PART AFTER CHAPTER!!!! ENJOY!


"And now, she won't even talk to me," I heard Jace say.

"Well, of course she won't, Jace! She has every reason not talk to you! You freaking led her on for almost a month and a half. Hell, I wouldn't speak to someone if they did that to me," Matt said.

"I know and I wouldn't either! But she doesn't know how I feel about her and she doesn't know the whole story," Jace replied.

"Yeah and I'm not even getting the whole story either. Tell me why you didn't break up with Vanessa sooner," Matt challenged.

"Because I didn't know if what me and Anna have, or had, was real. And I didn't want to dump Vanessa to be with Anna and come to find out that it was all just for fun. Vanessa and I have been together for 7 months and I didn't want to dump her for a girl whom I've known for a month and a half. And now since all this has happened, I know that what me and Anna had was real. And I feel awful because I want to be with Anna and not Vanessa. Vanessa doesn't deserve to be dumped on the side of the road, but I see no other way out of it," Jace finished. I felt numb.

"So, you're going to dump Vanessa?" Matt wondered.

"Yes. Because it's not right for me to feel this way about another girl that I'm not in a relationship with. I can't be with Vanessa, knowing that I like Anna. Which, by the way, I've tried to call Vanessa like a thousand times to tell her we need to break up, but she hasn't taken any of my calls. And I couldn't do it last night because my parents were here and I don't even want to think about what they would have thought. Anyway, even if Anna hates me right now, which she should, I'm not going to pretend like I don't like her," Jace said out of breath. It was quiet for a second.

"Do you love her?" Matt asked. My heart stopped.

"What?" Jace said.

"Do you love her?" Matt repeated. "I'm mean think about it. We're having this discussion about a girl you 'like?'" Matt said putting emphasis on "like."

I held my breath, waiting for the answer. It was silent for a few more seconds. "I don't know," Jace finally admitted. "I mean-, I haven't really thought that far ahead. Maybe."

Matt sighed loudly. "I think you do, because I know you, Jace Cunningham, and I've seen how you act around people," he stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jace asked

"It means that you act and talk about people differently when you love them," Matt summed up.

Again, Jace was quiet. "Well, do you love Amber?" I got the sense that he was trying to avoid the question. Was that because he didn't love me or that he didn't want anyone to know how he felt? I prefer the 2nd one.

"Of course. And she knows that," Matt responded.

Jace sighed loudly.

"Just think about all this, okay? Think about what you want to do," Matt advised. I heard the back door to the kitchen swing open and someone walk out.

I leaned back against the wall, still unheard of and thought about all that I just heard. Was all of what Jace just said true?

I heard someone sigh deeply again and walk out the same door. I made my way out of the lodge and to my cabin in a daze.

He's going to dump Vanessa. Why...Because he wants to be with me. So, that's why he was on the phone so much this week. After we kissed, I noticed it, so that means he was trying to break up with Vanessa ever since the kiss.

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