Camp Crush (maybe more!) Ch.2

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ok guys i feel bad for not posting this earlier and im sorry....i have an excuse so whatever hope you enjoy! Vote and Comment!!!


*Anna's POV*

I was huffing and puffing as I made my last trip to the car. I got to the car and took one look at the trunk. There were 2 storage bins (one Amber's and one mine) and there was one more suitcase that held some nice clothes that we might have to wear some day here. Ok, maybe this would be my next to last trip.

I grabbed my pink storage bin and put the suitcase on top of it. I didn't want to come back and get more stuff, so I just piled it on now. Normally, this would have been ok with me, but since this was like my 3rd time doing it, my arms were really tired and I was starting to sweat.

I started up the sidewalk, heading for my cabin. I passed the table with the cute guy's. They had kind of gotten used to me, but I could still feel their stares on me when my back was turned.

"Um, do you need help with that?" a deep, sexy voice said. I turned around and looked up at the guy with the aviators, who was studying me, questioningly.

Again, normally, I would have said 'no thanks,' but me and my arms were tired AND, plus, who would pass up an offer like this.

"Uh, sure. Thanks," I exhaled. He got up from his spot next to his friend and came over to me, picking up the storage bin and the suitcase without any problem. I could see his muscles in his white t-shirt. Man, this guy had the hots.

"Lead the way," he told me with a smile on his face. I started walking to my personal cabin that I was lucky enough for it to be next to Amber's.

I would have started up a conversation, but, quite frankly, I was too dang tired.

"I'm Jace, by the way," he greeted a few seconds after we started walking.

"Oh, hi, I'm Anna. And the girl who looks exactly like me is my twin sister, Amber," I explained.

"Oh, twins," something deep in his expression looked as if he was saying this more to himself. "This is going to be a confusing summer," he joked. "Ok, so, what do I look for to tell you 2 apart?"

"Amber is over arts and crafts, and she has the 5th grade girls' cabin. I am over sports, and was fortunate enough to not be over any kids, so that means I have my own personal cabin. And, plus, she has lighter hair color than I do," I clarified with a chuckle.

"Well, I would have never seen a difference in you two's hair color, so thank you for the heads' up," he teased and smiled while I laughed. He had a killer smile. "And you and I were both fortunate enough to have our own cabins, not watch over any annoying kids, not to mention, both of us working in our area of expertise," he said.

"And what is this area of expertise that is forever and irrevocably your forte?" I asked smiling and raising my eyebrows. Who said I couldn't flirt and use big words? That's right! No one!

"Big words," he commented to me. He stopped walking and inhaled a breath of fresh air, looking towards the heavens before looking back at me. I had stopped walking and turned to face him with an amused expression. "Lifeguarding," he declared and sighed heavily.

"Lifeguarding?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, at least, it's good to know that someone will save me when I drown," I noted. I could just imagine seeing him shirtless with those musceles...

"Ok, #1," he said, bringing me out of my fantasy. "Why would you drown? And #2. Who said that I would save you if you did drown?" he kid.

"Ok, well, to answer your 1st question... I don't know how to swim. And 2nd, before I drowned, I would tell my sister that it was entirely your fault that I died," I threatened playfully. He laughed.

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