Camp Crush (maybe more!) Ch. 7

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                             i "just so happened" to stumble across the cell card downstairs and my dad is asleep so i thought it would be the perfect time to upload (sneaky evil laugh)...... by the way i had some comments on jaces pov when anna ran her fingers through his hair and stuff and i didn't read them until after i finished ch7.... so in the beginning that is just a little fragment of what jace is feeling (wiggles eyebrows) and im a girl so i dont know how guys think but i know it is WAY different than girls so i did the best i could at the beginning and the end! 60 VOTES FOR NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!

READ THE BOTTOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recap: (by the way, what does recap even stand for. i mean i know what it means its it like abbreviated or something? :\)

Anna is flirting with Jace by running her fingers through his hair.


*Jace's POV*

I am in heaven...I mentally said in a high voice while Anna ran her fingers through my hair.

Have you ever had that 'Ahhhhhh' moment? Like when you've had to pee really badly and then went. Or if you had the biggest itch on your back that you couldn't scratch but someone scratched it for you. Or if you've been out in the hot sun all day and FINALLY you get a drink of cold water. Or sex, but that isn't really the best example because some people haven't experienced that yet.

I could stay right where I'm at for days and be perfectly fine with it...

*Anna's POV*


I mind as well just lock myself in my cabin every Sunday and Friday night from now on.

The kids had proved themselves right. Their parents, every one of them, had come back to see their precious children.

Every dang one of them...

Every time I saw something that reminded me of my parents, whether it's the same model of car they died in or my dad's favorite food: chili with macaroni in it, it never failed to set me in mourning mode. It felt like I was in a trance that secluded me from any other feelings accept sadness and loss.

I was looking down at the photo I had in my wallet that was our family portrait. It was taken when me and Amber were 11; A year before our lives would change.

I heard someone walking up on my cabin steps. Amber walked in without a knock.

"Come on. We're waiting for you at dinner," Amber said sharply.

"I'm not hungry," I responded.

"Doesn't matter. You're not going to be rude and skip out on it, so you can...," she gulped and paused. "Think of past times," she recovered. "Now get your ass up there."

I sighed. She was right...

I got up and put the picture on my little windowsill. I followed her out.

"Amber?" I asked before I walked down the steps. She was at the bottom of the steps and looked back at me, eyebrows raised.

"Thank you," I told her. She at least got me out of the cabin...

She smiled back at me and turned around walking up to the lodge with me behind her.

No matter what Amber tried or said, it didn't pull me out of my trance completely.

*Jace's POV*

I glanced up through my eyelashes at Anna for the third time. Something's not right.

She was looking down, picking at her food, and not really eating it. She had looked down the entire night. She hadn't said a word to anyone. I didn't even see her look at me, or anyone else.

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