Camp Crush (maybe more!) Ch.10

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Ok guys this chapter doesn't really have anything "important" in it........i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy!!!!!!!!!! i have wrote once this week!!!!! i tried no to give you a cliffhanger. its snowing here so i just might be out of school tomorrow but Goodpasture is really gay when it comes to the topic of snow......! Sorry again i will try to cram some writing in!


It was Wednesday, which meant that the kids were back and I was in sports right now. It also meant that I was expecting to see Jace any minute now. He had visited me every day so far and each day I could see more and more girls coming. We had not started the swimming lesson yet. The first one was this afternoon, after my shift.

I had called Grandpa and Grandma twice this week and me and Amber told them everything that's happened. Everything, except for me drowning that is. We told them that next Friday night was family night and they could come up for dinner, so they could see us. Grandma excitedly and out of relief said yes.

This weekend was going to be a blast. You know why? Because the counselors had just found out that everyone, including the campers, are going to King's Island amusement park! I freaked when I heard!

"Oh, I love this song!" Rebecca squealed and ran over to the radio I had brought out. She turned up the song "Imma Be" by the Black Eyed Peas and started mouthing to the words of it.

"Me too," Michelle said and started dancing to it under me.

"Hey, don't move! You'll mess me up," I said, trying to get back to French-braiding her hair. She stopped dancing.

"Did you make a candle today, too, Anna?" Maddie asked, changing the subject.

"Yep. I dyed mine purple," I answered. Amber's craft today was a candle and I wanted to make one. The little kid coming out of me...

"I did mine rainbow," Kara announced.

"You do everything rainbow colors, Kara," Michelle commented.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that," she defended herself.

All the sudden, the football the guys were playing with landed in the middle of the girls and scared them. Kaden, Jace's little clone, came running over.

"Hey, girls. Wanna give me the ball?" he said in a cocky attitude. Nevertheless, Maddie was blushing like crazy.

Michelle grabbed it and threw it over to him. "You're welcome!" she snorted.

Kaden ran off with the football without saying anything else. Michelle huffed.

"Why are guys so rude?"

"Because they're guys," I responded plainly.

"I cannot wait until I'm older and they are more mature," she answered me. I chuckled.

"Hon, they won't be fully mature until they're married," I joked.

I was starting on her left braid when I heard Jace approach. "Why is it that every time I approach you all, you're talking about boys?" he said making his way to the ground and laying on his stomach. He placed his hands out in front of him and laid his head on them. He looked very, very tired.

"Heartbreak Warfare" by John Mayer came on and I started singing along with the song. It was in the middle of the song that I finished with Michelle's hair and I sat back in my chair, while Michelle went over and sat next to Kara. I started to fantasize about Jace's hot body until I noticed his bare shoulders.

"Jace, did you put on sun tan lotion this morning?" I asked studying his back. It looked like he had taken bright red blush and rubbed it all over his shoulders.

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