29 Friday - July 29, 2016 | 3:10pm

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Hello, Richard.

I'm sorry about not being in the chatroom last night. I arrived home late, too. Probably dozed off while waiting for you to go online. 😴

But you're quite right, I should have left a message, even just to say good night. I hope it did not upset you too much. 😪 Let me know how I can make up for it. (Uh oh, am I getting myself into trouble?)

Your last message was... well... pun intended, bold. You know I'm not very comfortable with sexy talk, especially if I need to do the narrating. 🙈 but who knows, maybe in our next chat, we can... finish. Getting there would be a challenge though. Depends on the creativity of your plot and the poetry in your description. Haha.
You know what they say about the ladies. It's all about foreplay so your patience will definitely be tested. 😉

By the way, I want to ask you something. How differently do you (or boys in general) treat a lady friend from someone you actually like?

I mean do guys have this "slay all the girls with punch lines & smolders" code and just make a move on whoever responds? Or do some boys actually have great lady friends and someone they call special?  Just asking for Science! ☝🏼️🤓 Hehe. (But I really hope you're not sending other girls your borderline lascivious thoughts.)

I'm curious,

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