66 Saturday - Aug 6, 2016 | 1:39AM

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R: Hello, baby.

D: Babyyyyy! *tackleglomps*

R: What's a tackleglomp?

D: >> Dei sent an image.

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R: Oh, ho ho. An image! That's new.

R: Hahaha, so that's a tackleglomp! I love it. So now, that we're on the floor, can we move right away to the good stuff? 😏

D: Someone's in a hurry.

R: Hey! You're the one who sent a basically "I'm so aroused. Let's chat. Naooo." message. 😂

D:  (ง ◕ั⌑◕ั)ว ⁾

R: Aww, my baby's embarrassed. C'mere, I'm sorry. Okay, I'm much, much hornier (?) than you.

D: Hahaha. That's better.

R: Hey, Dei. I missed you.

D: I missed you, too.

R: I missed this, hearing from you right away.

D: I know. It's like you're right in the next room.

R: Right?

D: Yeah. Do you still take meds, btw?

R: Just the vitamins I've been prescribed.

D: Okay. You get to drink it everyday, don't you?

R: Ummm. I'll give it to my PA so she can put it in my lunch tray every day.

D: It's funny that you never worried about telling me you have a PA. You do realize not too many people got one?

R: Yeah, I slipped and couldn't take it back so I just hoped you wouldn't notice.

D: Really, sweetie? Me?

R: I know. 😂

R: Hey, can I see you?

D: What do you mean?

R: Send me a video of yourself.

D: Uhhhh no.

R: Don't show your face.

D: So, what exactly do I show? *aghast*

R: Hahaha, no, sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that you don't need to show your face! 😂

D: My question still applies. 😅

R: Come on, baby. Please?

D: Noooooo.

R: Okay, what about a picture?



D: You first.

R: By all means!

R: Are you sure though? 😏

D: Shut it, just send me one.

D: Keep it R-18. 😶

R: Hahahahahahaha!

R: Wait, I'll move to my bed.



D: What, why?

R: Relax, Dei. I'm not a perv.

D: Dude.

R: Hang on, cowgirl.

D: It's rude to keep a girl waiting.

R: >> Richard sent an image.

R: >> Richard sent an image

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⬇️ Download image.

R: Cat got your tongue? 🙃

D: 🔥🔥🔥

R: Well, well.

D: Oh, you show-off. 😍

R: {{{{{ Dei }}}}}}

R: Your turn!

D: I can't! 🙈

R: Baby, it's just a picture.

D: Still! 🙈

R: It's okay, I understand. It's fine, sweetheart. You don't have to (tonight).

D: Thank you. 😘 Hey, hang on, I'll just move to the Macbook. Give me 5 minutes. I'll pop back in.

R: I didn't scare you off, right?

D: Lol, no. Be back in a jiffy.

R: I'll wait.




Dei has left the chatroom.

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