105 Sunday - Aug 14, 2016 | 12:06AM

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D: Richard.

D: Richard.


R: My sweet, darling, Dei.

R: Baby, oh my God. Are we really talking?

D: Kiss me, quickly, Richard.

R: Whoa, not wasting any time, are we?
*Big, fat, wet kiss*

D: No, you're right. I want this. I want everything. I want you, Richard.

R: Oh, Dei, I can kiss you and do so much more. I want you so bad, too. You know that.

R: Did you miss me? Because I missed you so fucking much, Dei. I would close my eyes and feel that deep ache. Not to mention it's so difficult to un-feel.

D: The longing.

R: Yes, the longing.

R: God. I think about you every single night.



D: Did you really miss me, or the just the idea of making out with me?

R: Baby, I'm not even gonna lie. I miss everything about you - from your sassy and witty retorts down to your sexy collarbone to your small attempts at sexy talk. I'm not hiding anything from you. You drive my appetite to insane levels. I've never wanted anything and anyone this bad in my life.

R: You know I like this kind of romance. I love it. It sends my mind reeling into blank spaces, allowing me to to just feel.

D: I understand. I didn't know I needed and wanted this so much, either.

R: It turns you on just talking about it, huh?

D: It sort of does, yeah. But maybe it's because I can almost feel how you feel, too.

D: The thrumming in your skin...

D: The tingle of anticipation...

D: The illusion of slow, but brazen...

R: ... sex.

D: Yes, that.

R:  It's just a word. Say it, Dei.

D: Sex.

R: There you go.

D: I missed you, Sweetheart.

R: Aw, baby, I missed you more.

R: But hearing that from you? Damn, Dei, I can almost ... implode with happiness. It feels...



D: Euphoric.

R: Exactly. Filled with pure joy.

R: I missed you so much. 💔😭

D: I know, I know, baby.

D: >>Dei sent an image.

D: >>Dei sent an image

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R: Jesus Christ.

R: 😶😶😶😶

D: Surprise?

R: Best ever surprise ever, Baby.

R: You look breath-taking. Baby... you're... so hot.

D: Not quite the counterpart to your Alden Richards, sadly.

R: What? No, we're friggin' perfect, Dei.

D: Can I see you?

R: Hang on, maybe I should move to my laptop. Wait for me? I'll just log in from there.

D: Okay, then. Will wait right here to see you.

-- Richard has left the ChatMeUp Chatroom! --

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