133 Saturday - Aug 20, 2016 | 12:04AM

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Hello, Richard.

I've noticed 1/3 of our messages open with apologies to each other. So, here's another addition to that statistics - Sorry for causing worry the past day or two. I needed to think about a few things (what we have, included).

Had a minor problem at work, and it kind of wore me down emotionally. I needed time to take care of that first. I understand now, though. So, I feel better already. It actually made things a bit clearer for me, you know. Like I needed that stumbling block to wake me up and finally take action.

Then, there's your ... confession. It scared me at first... that nagging question of whether or not I can live up to your expectations and demands. But you were right - it can be liberating to just allow yourself to be devoured whole.

I'm not afraid to be overpowered, Richard. It's a welcome idea. I think I'm not afraid to be taken.

Take me, if you will.
Take all of me, please.

So, yeah, I'm not backing out of anything.

Actually, I have good news for you.


You know how I love these amazing little surprises.


Why don't we meet on September 5?
Yep, eyeball. Surprise!

Write back,



Author's Note:


You are all so amazing. Thank you so much for reading Hello, Richard and letting it reach half a million views! I can't even begin to fathom how this has gone beyond my expectations so crazily!!!


500 freaking thousand. What the whaaaaat?!

Amazing. Just stupendous.

I love you guys! Also, that means another R&D companion chapter must be made. They're all coming soon!

Bonus: First to find the easter egg here gets to pick a chapter to have a written R&D companion.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. 😘

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