109 Monday - Aug 15, 2016 | 10:29AM

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Hey, Baby.

Good morning! I tried the video chat last night but I think you fell asleep? I waited for a bit but you never went online. It's fine, though, no biggie.

You kept talking about how I should take a rest, when it seems like you're the one who's all worked out. You are taking care of yourself, right?

I'm on my way to work. Not sure I'll make it in time with all the heavy pouring, though. How about you? Take care of yourself, baby, okay?

Anyway, do you think you can give me your phone number? Maybe we can talk on the phone too? Only if that's okay with you.

Write back? Or let me know if you want to chat.

I love you,
(Closed eyes and big sigh)


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