40 Monday - Aug 1, 2016 | 11:20PM

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Dearest Dei,

I'm planning on taking a leave from work soon. I will make it up to you by then. I just had a rough schedule the last few days but please know that I really do try. I said sorry for mentally confining our talks to my bedtime so please don't get upset with me anymore. Please?

This place is our happy pill, Dei. Getting notifications from each other is our bright spot of the day, isn't it? I know the past few days, my bright spot in your inbox was a little lackluster but I always think of you. Somehow, I hope that brings you comfort. Please think of me too whenever you miss me. Okay?

Also, don't think it will make you less of a respected lady if you write to me on a whim. That's the thing about love, isn't it? Feeling free, feeling adventurous, feeling spontaneous.
I would love to open my inbox to see a dozen messages from you.

I have a song I want to dedicate to you. Since we're all old-school in this, let's do this the old-fashioned way. First on the R&D mixtape is...

ヾ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ノ♪

Wherever You Are (South Border)

🎶 The wind that blows the dove
Is the wind that blows my love
Hope it'll find its way to you
Wherever you are. 🎶

Your turn to add a song to our mixtape.


If it makes you feel better to exchange long messages instead of chat in the next few days, I am totally fine with it . I think you feel that the chatroom can be a little lazy and I understand. There needs to be more effort on my part since I'm always the busy one. So, I will forego the chatroom's 'instant gratification' and write more thoughtful messages to you, and more often.

Oh look, is that a smile curling at the corner of your lips? 😏

There's more.

What about a little peace offering. Why don't we slowly talk about our first... eyeball? I want you to be ready and willing so I will let you pick the date. How does that sound?

I don't want to force you, so by all means pick the date - day, year and time. And I promise to wait patiently 'til those fateful days - when you pick and for when. 😘

Smile for me, please?


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