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The class room was loud with students chatting amongst themselves. Gossiping, talking about girls, boys, who had the best hair, how their weekends were, and laughing at jokes and various other things.

Tommie remained silent, simply concentrating on his work. Justin kept looking across at Tommie, a look of concern playing on his face. Without even looking at Justin, Tommie could feel the eyes on him and knew Justin was staring.

"If you have a question Justin, ask." Tommie snapped.

"I was just concerned about you Tommie."

"Why? I'm fine" Tommie stated bluntly, still refusing to look at Justin. One side of Tommie's face was hidden by his hair, which was hanging down around the curves of his face.

"I know that look Tommie. I know you're not fine. I'm usually telling you to shut up by now" Justin said, laughing.

Tommie looked up at Justin who was sitting in the seat next to him.

"There's nothing wrong. I just want to be alone today." Tommie once again put his head down and tried to concentrate on his workbook as if staring at it would make the answers just appear on the page.

"That's a huge task. You, being silent" Justin laughed. Tommie gave Justin a soft punch on the shoulder without even looking at where his hand was going. Justin stood up and rubbed his arm where Tommie's fist had connected with the bare skin. A red mark started to form on the skin beneath Justin's hand.

"You know, I could just teleport home and ask Angela. She'd know what's going on with you."

"We're not supposed to use our powers at school Justin, you know that." Tommie said quietly to avoid being overheard.

"Oh take a chill pill will you. I was only joking. Okay then, if you're so keen on being silent, let's have a bet. If you can stay silent for the rest of the day, I'll give you ten dollars." Justin said proudly. Tommie smiled.

Tommie nodded, accepting the bet. He smiled to himself; he knew he had this in the bag.

"But being serious now, you know there's always Jess, Gen and me to talk to when you're feeling down." Justin said. Tommie smiled and nodded.

Justin was a gifted teleporter. He had the ability to disappear and end up in a whole different area. He would usually teleport Jess and Tommie back home if the buses are running late. He was a broad shouldered boy, with glasses and a wicked sense of humour, much like Tommie.

"I am the best teleporter in Geelong" Justin said proudly. Tommie looked at Justin and laughed. He was about to speak but though of the bet and decided to write a note instead. He handed the note to Justin who read it and laughed.

"That's an overstatement!"

"Hey!" Justin said angerily, making Tommie laugh. The bell rang indicating that class was over. All the students packed up their books and went back to their lockers.

Tommie and Justin got out their lunch and walked to the usual spot where Jess, Gen, Justin and Tommie used to hang out.

"Hey Tom, how are you today?" Jess asked. Tommie responded with a thumbs up. Jess looked confused, turning to Justin for answers.

"Justin, what did you do now?" Jess demanded. Justin just laughed.

"I said to him if he can stay silent the whole day, I'd give him ten dollars." Jess rolled her eyes.

"He's not going to make it." Gen said.

"Yep I agree." Jess laughed. Tommie gave them a grumpy face and crossed his arms. Jess had the power of foresight, predictions. If she concentrated hard enough, she could predict the time and place of your death. She tried to turn off her power and not think of things like that unless it was absolutely necessary.

Six Rings of Pure Hearts:The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now