The New Comers 2025

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A woman was looking through the window and saw a black car pulling up in the drive way.
"They're here." Angela said. It had been 8 years since Tommie's accident, all the people in the house still think about it and how horrible it was to witness. Tommie's unstable power of aerokinesis took the control over him. Peter still wasn't ready to move on, Tommie was one of his best friends. Who ever came into contact with Tommie knew how kind, loving, caring he was. Wicked sense of humour and always had a smile on his face. He had done some laughable things like singing the spider-man theme, swapping 'man' to 'cheese' because there was a piece of cheese stuck on the McDonald's roof one morning. He said, "How does a piece of cheese get on the roof, I mean seriously, it's like someone said 'hmm I have no where to put this, so I'm just gonna fling it up and see if it sticks." When he said that Jess laughed really loudly. There was also the time when his friends and himself made up some 'How I like my men.' Tommie's one was "I like my men how I like my Christmas trees, with big presents underneath. Even one of the teachers walked by and made up one herself.
"I like my men how I like my latte, smooth and creamy."

Angela went down to let in the new guests. There was a man and four teenagers, similar age of when Tommie, Justin, Jess, Gen and Zoe started. Angela greeted the man.
"Hey Ryan, did you have any troubles getting here?"
"No, you know me, I can drive anywhere and anything." He replied.
"Of course." Angela said rolling her eyes. Ryan Chamley was a slim man, had a tattoo sleave on his left arm and was very tall. Brown hair. He could create lightning bolts and drive any sort of transport without training. He didn't live with the others. He lived with his wife and four children, but he regularly helped the others. The four teenagers went in and settled down in the living room.
"Hmm well, I guess they'll fit in." She continued.
"Oi, kids. Why don't you get up on your butts and introduce yourselves." Ryan ordered.
"Why? She doesn't care". One boy said. Angela raised one eyebrow.
"No power, why did you bring him here?" She said.
"He wouldn't leave Miss Wong. He's in love with her, though she doesn't know." Ryan answered.

"Hi I'm Olette, Olette Wong. Pleasure to meet you." Olette said excitedly. She went back to her room and unpacked her stuff. She was a Korean girl, black long hair and a cute Hello Kitty bag.

"Hey I'm Valkner, telekinetic and proud of it." He said with a smile. Valkner was a sandy blonde haired boy, slightly taned and super hypo.
"Hmm I'll have to keep an eye on that one." Angela said. Ryan gave her a funny look.
"Not like that Ryan!" Ryan laughed. Then a girl with blonde hair, very skinny but very beautiful, then she changed herself to an exact copy of Angela while shaking her hand
"I'm Claire Don".
"Hmm a shape shifter, lovely." Angela said, and Claire changed back to her normal self. The next boy did not move away from the T.V.
"Tobias, come on, introduce yourself to Angela. She's a very nice lady." Ryan said.
"No, I don't wanna." Tobias snapped back.
"Don't want to or don't care?" Ryan became slightly annoyed.
"Pick one."
"Tobias, I'm warning you, it's very kind of Angela and Frida to let you stay here. Just a hello would be nice."
"Hello" Tobias snapped and walked off. Angela looked at Tobias while he was storming off.
"Do you think it was a good idea bringing him here?" Ryan said to Angela.
"He'll come round." Angela said. Then Frida took the teenagers on a tour inside the house. Claire and Valkner took extra attention on Frida, listening to what she had to say. Tobias wasn't even listening, all he wanted to do was to be left alone and look around by himself.
"Tobias, you okay sweetie? You look like you're half asleep dear." Frida now looking at Tobias. He couldn't care less.
"I'm fine Miss Jones."
"Oh cutie pie, call me Frida." Frida replied. Tobias just shrugged his shoulders.
"Now here are your rooms. We have a very strict rule on no boys sleep in a girls room, don't wanna come up with a new born here now would we." Frida laughed. Tobias didn't say a word.
"What ever."

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