The Next Timely Clue

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In a small apartment Angela, Jess, Brendan, Valkner, Justin, Zoe and Claire were forming their plan to get to the top of the tallest bell tower of the La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. One of Barcelona's popular tourists attractions. That night they walked outside.
"Okay we only have one shot at this. Mess up and we will be the one's to blame for breaking the mosaics on the tower. We have to do it now. No one can see us unless they're walking around. Stealth is the key people." Angela said firmly.
"Gen will be your guide, follow her instructions and you'll be fine Claire. We have Justin to catch you if something goes wrong or you get attacked by someone. Brendan and Valkner are here to steady you when you get to the bridge on top, in case you fall or accidently break some mosaics and they'll try and fix it with their telekinesis. I'm here to see if I could sense any danger for you or us." Angela continued.
"If anyone fishy comes on the other side we are now, we'll fight them off as long as we can." Jess said. Claire put on a worried face.
"Okay can we go over that again, I'm getting nervous." She said.
"Step one, we'll knock out one of the guards and you'll change into that guard. Angela will use her telepathy to let you inside the cathedral...why am I telling you this. Gen will guide, just listen to her." Brendan said. Justin pulled out a headset and gave it to Claire.
"Once you're inside, put this on and press the green button, that should turn it on, then Gen will talk you through from the inside." Justin explained. Claire nodded.
"Okay kiddo off you go. Good luck." Brendan said.
"Thanks, I'll need it." Claire mumbled. Justin popped behind a guard and knocked him out. Claire shifted into the guard. Both Angela and Claire walked up to another guard and asked if Claire could go inside to retrieve a missing handbag.
"I'm sorry Stuart, you know the rules. No one goes in at night." The guard said.
"This woman has said that she's left her handbag in the cathedral." Claire replied.
"Sorry we do not allow people into the cathedral. You may come back in the morning and one of us will escort you if you wish." The guard explained. Angela winked and the guard changed his mind.
"However if you have important processions, Stuart can go in. I guess it's important." The guard said.
"Thanks Angela." Claire thought. Angela acknowledged the thought. Once Claire was inside the cathedral she changed back into her normal self and put her head set on that Justin had given her and turned it on and Gen's voice came through.

"Gen can you hear me?" Claire said looking around the gorgeous interior of the cathedral.
"Loud and clear. Now on your far left there should be a lift, there's also stairs but taking those might blow your cover." Gen explained. Claire looked down the corridor and saw the on the north west corner, the lift was there.
"Found the lift. Get in right?" Gen asked nervously.
"That's the general idea of a lift yes. Go straight in but stop on every floor so I can see where you are and if there's any danger that might come your way." Gen explained directing Claire safely to the top bell tower. Claire slowly walked on the narrow bridge that connected the building to the bell tower like a trapeze artist. She was close when she fell and grabbed the bridge with one hand. Everyone down on the ground and Gen panicked but Valkner and Brendan used their telekinesis to put her back on her feet again.
"Thanks guys." Claire said through headset.
"No problem dudette." Valkner said back.
"Keep going Claire, you're doing great. Almost there." Gen said. Claire was close to the bell but she couldn't reach it.
"Gen, Angela I can't reach it. I'm going to try and go on my butt and push myself there. Might hurt my butt, but it's the only way I can get it, or I can go on my stomach and plank my way there." Claire said.
"No Claire don't..." Angela said but now she had problems of her own.
"Angela, what's going on? I can see Justin popping everywhere and Frida being knocked down." Claire worried. Lizzy had came and where causing trouble. She started running up the side of the cathedral but both Brendan and Valkner stopped her.
"Stupid telekinesis." She said. So she came racing back down and ran around them making Brendan and Valkner dizzy and fall down, after that, she went back up the cathedral and tripped Claire off the bridge so she could get the ring.
"Angela! It's Claire, she fell off." Gen said through Angela's headset. She had a short chance of helping Claire back on the bridge knocking Lizzy off the bridge. Claire didn't think of anything of what was happening down below so she pushed her way closer to the ring and once she was in range of getting she planked on the bridge and caught the ring and put it in a small sachet that Zoe had given her and she held it tight in her hands, the only problem was getting down. They didn't have a plan of getting Claire back down onto the ground, then Claire had an idea.
"Hey Valkner, I have a plan to get down. But I need your help. I'm going to slide down the side of the cathedral. I need you to steady me while I slide down. Got that?" Claire said in Valkner's headset.
"Okay, ready when you are." He answered. Claire counted to three and bravely slid down the cathedral. Valkner watched her slide down sometimes seeing under her pants.
"Valkner, stop looking under my pants please and focus." Claire said firmly.
"Opps sorry." He laughed. Once she came closer to the ground he held out his hand and slowed her down and eventfully she came back onto the ground in front of the main entrance.

"Thanks Valkner. And don't look under my pants again.' Claire said while she transformed back to Stuart the guard.
"Oh I see you found the lady's bag, good job." The other guard said in his Spanish accent as Claire walked out of the La Sagrada Familia. Angela smiled.
"Not bad for your first mission, well done Claire smiled as she transformed back to her normal self.
"Did you get the clue?" Justin said.
"Clue? No one said anything about a clue." Claire cried. Angela shook her head.
"Doesn't matter, Gen will use the footage you recorded on your headset. And we got the most important thing. The first ring." Jess had a look at the ring, turning it sideways, vertically, horizontally and found an inscription inside the ring.
"There's an inscription inside of the ring. It reads:

"This is for the one

Who is ahead of time."

"Ahead of time? What the heck does that mean?" Brendan said.
"It says 'this is for the one who's ahead of time' right?" Zoe said. Everyone nodded their heads.
"It's meant for Jess. To see the future. Ahead of time." She continued.
"It's meant for me?" Jess said confused.
"Okay well one found, five more." Gen said through a video call.
"So the rings are for certain people." Justin said.

Everyone went back to Geelong to the Pure Hearts house and put the ring in an extremely secured safe. It had hand print, eye identification, pin number and even a backside print.
"Haha you have a butt print identification system. Haha." Brendan laughed with Valkner, Tobias, Olette, Claire, Zoe and Justin. Angela just rolled her eyes.
"Leg..." Brendan started.
"....ENDARY!" They all high-fived each other.
"Just don't fart on the sensor. It'll break it." Anthony said.
"I'm not gonna fix it or clean it if you fart on it." Gen said. Valkner laughed
"They said fart hehe." He laughed with Brendan, Peter, Olette, Zoe, Jess, Tobias and Claire.
"I think that calls for another leg..."Brendan started again.
"...ENDARY!" They all laughed together high five-ing each other. Anthony sighed.
"Ryan where did you find this lot?"
"Haha they said fart...Oh what. C'mon, it is pretty funny. Ryan laughed.
"Haha hey you're right. It is funny." Anthony said.


Gen andAnthony were working endlessly on the Pure Hearts mission. They probably had one of the hardest jobs in the team. They had to make sure that everything was going smoothly, watching various computer monitors. The house was clear of intruders

Gen and Anthony were endlessly watching the footage of Claire walking on the bridge on the La Sagrada Familia. They watched the footage over and over, going through each frame, which takes a long time to do. Hours, days and sometimes weeks. But one morning Gen saw something. She found a small piece of writing on the bell tower. She paused on the frame and zoomed onto the point where the writing was.
"Angela I've found something on the bell tower. Looks like a clue of the next location of the next ring. Come to the computer room." Angela rushed to the computer room and she read the clue out loud to everyone. It read something but she couldn't understand it because it was all in an Asian characters.


"What the bloody hell does that gibberish say?" Valkner said confused
I think it's Chinese or Japanese, I don't know ." Tobias said.
"Shit, I don't think we have any Chinese or Japanese translating books." Brendan said.
"What?! You have an entire library and none of them are translating books?" Valkner said questioning Brendan.
 "Well we know one thing. It has to do something with two thousand and eight." Zoe explained.
"A year perhaps?" Olette said.
"Time to google." Justin said grinning.
"Yeah about that...." Gen started to say but frowned.
"All the computers are smashed." Anthony said frowning also.
WHAT?!" Every one shouted.
"We were attacked by some guy dressed in all black and it was hard to see him because he was all covered in smoke.
"In....smoke?" Frieda said nervously. Everyone looked at her.
"You know someone like that?" Angela asked.
"N-No, of course not..I have to go." Frida said running out the door.

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