The Designer

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Angela, Peter, Zoe, Jess, Justin and Tobias sat around the lounge room staring at Tobias.
"I swear I didn't know!" Tobias cried.
"I've always lived with my Aunt Dilly." He continued.
"Is he telling the truth Angela?" Justin asked. Angela nodded.
"And stop eavesdropping Brendan." Angela cried from the room.
"Damn it." Brendan whispered. Zoe, Jess and Justin giggled. Everyone walked out the room and went out to do their own thing.

Olette, Valkner and Claire started cooking dinner. As part of their training they had to learn how to cook and tonight was pizza night. Ryan walked in when Valkner was making the tomato paste.
"Oh god guys this smells good, you all should be chefs."
"Like me." Claire transformed into Jamie Oliver.
"Haha yes you." Olette laughed. Claire changed back to her normal self. The oven timer went off and it was time to start serving up. Everyone ate their dinner in silence. No one wanted to talk about Tommie or Tobias being father and son.

Jess got up from the dinner table and took her empty plate as well as her boyfriend Anthony behind her.
"We're seriously doing this...Tommie's mission?" Anthony asked.
"To be honest, I don't know. I haven't had any predictions lately. I don't know if we should. Sounds really dangerous, but it's Tommie, it couldn't be that bad right? But I do have a bad feeling about it." Jess said.
"I know you're worried about me, you don't want to lose me. Honestly babe, I'll be fine." Anthony answered.
"I'll stay here with Gen and we'll check on the monitors and guide you and look out for any signs of trouble." He continued. He was a big strong man, he had no powers but he made up for it with his martial arts. He preferred hand combat even though he avoided it when possible

Later that night, Tobias kept tossing and turning in his bed, but there were so many thoughts swimming around in his mind. He had lived with his Aunt Dilly all his life only to find out who he was and who his father was. His father had died when Tobias was six months old. Tommie kept it a secret, even from Angela. Tired of not being able to get to sleep Tobias got up and walked silently trying not to wake anyone up, he searched for some photos of his father. He started in the lounge room, he found a drawer in the television cabinet. He opened up of what it looked like a scrap book, he opened up to the first page and at the left top corner it read: Tom Tom. It had a picture of a young Tommie and Gen. Tom Tom was Gen's nick name for Tommie. She called him that because he was such a huge music fan. Tobias accidently fell backwards and hit the coffee table behind him.
"Ow!" He said silently. Then he heard footsteps so he crawled under the coffee table but hitting his head in the process.
"Tobias? Is that you sweetie?" Frida's voice came out from outside the room. She came out into the room and saw Tobias' backside poking out from the coffee table.
"Oh honey you poor thing, come out of there. Oop mind your head." She sighed as he hit his head again.
"Don't worry I'm a little clumsy too sometimes. Now why don't you tell me why you're doing here out here in the dark alone, cookie. Here sit." She continued, pointing to a seat on the couch next to her. Tobias sat down and showed Frida the scrapbook that Jess and Gen had made for Tommie.
"I just want to know what he looked like, what he was like, what would he be like if he was still alive. How he would treat me." Tobias explained. Frida went through the photos with Tobias as she spoke.
"Well sugar, I only knew your father for a few months. I came from Mississippi, down south of America, I came here with Peter. He's from Dover, in Dalaware. Your father and Peter talked through the internet, which is dangerous so don't do it honey. They became very close and became the very best of friends."
"So my dad was gay?" Tobias said.
"No, he was bi-sexual, well i'm not sure myself, let me finish honey. As I said I only knew your father for a short few months, but in that time I never met someone so pure, full of life, full of hope and love. He was cheeky, really cheeky. Wicked sense of humour. He was the kind of friend that you would always want, kind, loving, non-judgmental." Frida explained. Tobias kept flicking through the pages.
"I heard from Angela and Zoe that he had a disability right?" Tobias said.
"Yes, that's right. But that didn't matter, he knew there wasn't anything he could do about it, so he just lived, lived life to the fullest. Sometime's I had trouble understanding him because he had a speech impairment but most times I could." Frida replied.
"How do you think my father would be like now? How would he treat me? I just want to know more. What happened? How did he die?" Tobias said.
"Oh sugar, he would love and cherish you with all his heart. He actually asked the same question to his father, about his grandfather. I think your father would be still the same as when I knew him. He would love you with all his heart, and probably still does. He would still be cheeky, funny and he would treat you like with everyone else, lots of love, and he would teach you to do the same. As for how he died, well it was awful. So scary and horrible. His power over took him and it became too strong for him to handle." Frida explained, brushing Tobias' hair.
"I like this photo of dad and Zoe. Why were they dressed up for?" Tobias said.
"Ah the Deb that Zoe and your father were in. I wasn't there at the time, but Zoe does look very lovely. Jess had her Deb the year before I think she said. You look so much like him Tobias. Black hair, fringe to one side. Emo look they called it. Suits you both. " Frida answered.
"Yes sugar?" Frida replied.
"You're really nice and cool." Tobias said.
"Aww sugar you've gone and made a grown woman blush. Oh my look at the time, back to bed mister." Frida said.
"Aww but..." Tobias said.
"No buts mister, off you go." Frida said pointing to his room. Tobias sulked off to his room, and Frida yawned.
"Hmm maybe I should do the same." Frida walked back to her room, hitting her head on the threshold.
"Oww! Son of a..."

The next morning Jess walked into the main computer room and started up the video call computer. She waited till it was answered and a lovely young blonde haired lady showed up on the screen. Krystal Meek. A very beautiful person inside and outside. She was one of the most popular girls in the school that the others went to. 

"Oh Jessica, hello darling how are you?" Krystal said with a big smile.
"Yeah I'm good, and you?" Jess replied.
"Oh fantastic darling. Just finished putting together a new clothing line. How is everyone else?" Krystal smiled.
"Yeah we're all good. Need a favour." Jess said.
"Oh anything darling."Krystal said.
"We need new suits, we're all going on a huge mission. Bigger than any other missions we've gone on." Jess explained.
"Oh of course. Tell me more about this mission and I'll find some things for you." Krystal replied. Jess told Krystal about the mission that Tommie had given the team and explained that they had new recruits.
"Oh a mission that Tommie gave you? Well I'm in, anything for Tommie. So who are the new kids?" Krystal said.
"Olette, Valkner, Claire, Tobias, come to the computer room." Jess said over the house PA. All four of them rushed in and Krystal gasped when she saw Tobias.
"Who is that? A mini-Tommie?"
"Krystal, meet Tobias, Tommie's son." Jess explained.
"Oh Tommie didn't tell me he had a son." Krystal said.
"He didn't tell anyone about. I was a secret, a no body." Tobias sulked.
"Tobias, don't you ever say that. You are a somebody, every one is. Your father used to say things like that and Jess and I had to slap his face. He was a great man. I admired him so much, he knew exactly what to say when I was having a bad day. He was a strong man Tobias, and I know you are too if you believe it. Now the suits. I need to know what powers you have so I can work out what's best for you. Valkner you start." Krystal said.
"Telekinetic." Valkner said.
"Shape-shifter." Claire said.
"Hmm difficult, but I'm sure I can come up with something for you." Krystal said.
"I have dragon powers." Olette said.
"Okay Olette, what about you Tobias sweetie?" Krystal asked. Tobias frowned when Krystal asked.
"Tobias doesn't have any powers, at least not that we know of yet." Jess explained.
"Oh...well I can still make a suit for you, a special unique one just for you Tobias." Krystal said.
"Okay." Tobias replied with a slight little smile.
"When will they be ready Krystal?" Jess asked.
"Hmm with Claire's suit, might take a while, but say two weeks." Krystal said.
"Okay Krystal thanks." Jess replied.
"Anytime darling. Good-bye little darlings. Good to meet you." Krystal said and the screen went black.

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