The First Ring

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Tobias and Valkner were the first to get up and didn't have much time together so they talked for a while.
"Hey Valkner, I haven't really had much time with you so tell me about yourself?" Tobias said. Valkner fiddled with his bracelet that was around his right wrist.
"Alright Tobs, what do ya want to know?" Valkner said.
"Well anything really, I'd like to make some more friends around here." Tobias answered.
"Well I came from Western Australia, in a small town called Kununurra. It's where the movie "Australia " was filmed, I wasn't born back then when they filmed it. My Ma told me." Valkner said.
"Wow cool, is there a lot to do there?" Tobias asked.
"No not really, but when I found out that I had powers, I played all kinds of tricks on people." Valkner laughed.
"No surprise there." Tobias laughed.
"I scared the crap out of a lady once, in the local bar. I managed to sneak in and when they were shutting up, I made the stools fly off the ground, scared the crap out of the poor lady. Debra I think her name was. But I got caught out. She quit after that and moved somewhere else. Pretty funny until I got into trouble with the po-po, that's when Brendan and Ryan got me, in two cars not the flying car." Valkner said.
"As you can tell I lived in one of Australia's hottest places. Tanned, blonde sandy hair, a southern cross tatt, cheeky as all hell." He continued. Tobias laughed with him.
"I was like that with my aunt Dilly. I was pretty lame though. When I got into deep trouble she would say "Tobias Phoenix Winters!" But she couldn't stay mad at me forever." Tobias said smiling.
"Ah yes family love. So what's it like playing the Magitar?" Valkner asked. Tobias looked at the magical guitar his father gave him.
"Getting there, I haven't used it much since yesterday when we were on the streets."
"That's true man. Well nice talking to ya Tobs. Gonna go to the bathroom. Get in the shower before the girls do their truck load of make-up. I still think they need more if they wanna be beautiful." Valkner laughed with Tobias.
"You're terrible Valkner but thankyou."
"What for mate?" Valkner asked.
"For making me laugh. I need it with this stuff going on. It's finally good to laugh." Tobias answered.
"Oh anytime dude. Always good to know that my talents are appreciated. Well I stink so shower time." Valkner smiled while he took his shirt off and went to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Tobias felt good today and was hoping they would find the ring today.

There was a knock on the door and he was about to open it till Angela came running out and opened the door. On the other side was Zoe and Jess.
"Oh only you guys. I always gonna check who it is outside the doors. With Lizzy and Elodie knowing about the ring and all." Angela was half asleep.
"You're telepathic, you should know." Zoe said.
"I know I know, who's in the shower?" Angela asked.
"The fantastic and wonderful Valkner!" Valkner shouted out from the bathroom.
"Okay well be quick, we're almost ready to go." Ryan said coming out of his room. Valkner grumbled and came out of the bathroom with no shirt on. He had a strong built body.
"Okay I'm out. Go do your hourly make-up sessions." Valkner answered. Olette and Zoe just stared at Valkner's body.
"What? Something on my body?" He said.
"Only hotness." Olette said glazing at Valkner. He looked down his body.
"Oh yeah I try to go to the gym couple times a week." He answered.
"Get a shirt on, we're ready." Angela orded.

They were back on the streets. Everyone staying close together in case of pickpockets. The streets were filled with street artists and some portraits. Claire and Olette wanted theirs done but Peter said no but he might take them back once they found the ring. They walked up and down endlessly trying to get a lookout for the ring. They were unsuccessful so they walked back to their hotel, Jess stopped, her mind was going crazy, she found the place where the ring is, it showed a cathedral right across from where they were staying.
"Hey Gen, I just had a flash, it looks like a cathedral, but I can't get a good look of it. It looks like it's not finished. You know what it might be?" Jess said to Gen through her watch telecom.
"Sounds like the La Sagraada Familia to me, can get a photo or something?" Gen said. Jess saw the cathedral right behind her, everyone was wondering why she had stopped.
"What is it Jess?" Justin said.
"I had a flash, of this cathedral, Gen says it's called the La Sagrada Familia." Jess explained.
"And she's right it is the La Sagrada Familia. Take a picture and send it to us." Anthony said through their telecoms. Jess went around the entire cathedral walls.
"I sent a few photos, can you try and locate the ring?" Angela said.
"Got them, give us a minute to zoom in." Gen said. Peter took Tobias and Olette home back to the hotel while the others stayed behind to hear what Gen had to say.
"Found it. It's on top of the tallest bell tower. But there's a problem. It's heavily guarded. The tower is too high for Justin to teleport, you can't use telekinesis because people can see what's going on, so the only way to get up there is to use Claire to trick the guards to let her in. Use the lifts that are inside. Also the bells are covered in mosaics, break them and you'll get caught." Gen explained.
"So it's mission impossible?" Brendan said.
"Yeah basically, but we need to do it. It's best if we did it at night." Anthony said.
"Okay thanks Gen. Think you could handle it sugar?" Frida said to Claire.
"Only one way to find out." Claire shrugged.

Six Rings of Pure Hearts:The Beginning Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora