The Will

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Angela looked at the package in shock. The parcel that was eightteen years later since Tommie passed away. Frida walked up behind Angela.
"It took eightteen years to arrive. A bit late isn't it darling?"
"It was sent today as his per instructions. I'm gonna read it first and then decide what to do next." Angela said.
"Can I suggest something darling?" Frida said. Angela turned around to face her looking interested.
"It's from Tommie right? Shouldn't it be read by everyone. Like a meeting?" Frida continued.
"I suppose you're right Frida." Angela replied. She walked into the dining room where Zoe was sitting writing in her diary.
"Anything for me Ange?" Zoe asked. Angela nodded with a half smile.
"That doesn't sound good. Who's it from?" She continued.
"Tommie." Angela said quietly.
"Huh? Tommie? Tommie Griffin? The guy who wouldn't shut up even if I ask him to Tommie?" Zoe asked. Angela nodded. Zoe shot up and tried to take the letter out of Angela's hands.
"Give it to me Angela! NOW! Tommie was my best friend from the whole wide world and you're not gonna keep this away from me." Zoe shouted.
"I have no intention to hide it from you. Or anyone else for that matter. I want every one to hear it too, so don't get your knickers in a knot." Angela said. Zoe calmed down and sat down again.
"Oh right, well do you want me to round everyone up for you?"
"No just Peter. He's in the gun room, my telepathy won't reach in there. He told me he'd be in the gun room doing target practice." Angela said.
"Oh okie dokie." Zoe left and ran to the underground gun room.

Zoe and Tommie were two peas in a pod. Enjoyed the same music, movies, books, video games, actors and actresses'. She was a good friend to Tommie, always willing to listen to Tommie, even though she thought Tommie didn't stop talking. From to time she might ask him to repeat himself if she didn't understand what he was saying. Tommie was okay with that. He was a patient person. Even his parents had trouble understanding him sometimes. They would say to him to say it again. Tommie's Bulbar Palsy's cause was unknown. Bulbar Palsy is a form of Cerebral Palsy. His mouth muscles were weak making his speech slur and sometimes difficult to understand. His saliva glands were weak too, which made him drool a bit. Tommie had operations to help with that but they were unsuccessful. When he was young, he might get picked on but as kids grew older they matured and he became a popular person around his high school. When Tommie met someone new, he might get nervous and sometimes they had trouble understanding him and didn't know how to respond to what he was saying. Most people would ask him to repeat himself, which he was glad to do. But there were some people who wouldn't do that. They might say something entirely different to what he was saying thinking that they weren't hurting his feelings, but that hurt him even more.

Zoe also had powers. Her power was water. Just like her two sisters, she was born with her powers. No one knows how or why they had their powers, but all they knew was that they wanted to help the world, until Liz decided to turn on them.

Zoe got to the gun room, she knocked on the door but Peter didn't respond so she used her water power to create a water key and opened the door. She ran down the corridor and saw Peter firing fireworks at the targets not missing one. With out looking at Zoe he said
"Yes Zoe? Something wrong."
"It's Angela she wants us to..." Zoe stopped in mid sentence looking at Peter.
"Something on my face?" Peter said.
"Oh no, I just only saw how sexy you are." Zoe said.
"Zoe you've known me for eighteen years and you're only just realised." Peter replied.
"Well I hardly see...getting off topic here. Angela wants all of us in the dining room, it's something about Tommie." She said. Peter's eyes popped and he ran out of the gun room and to the dining room.

When everyone was sitting at the crescent shaped table, Angela started the meeting.
"As you all know I called you here because of the parcel Tommie sent. It looks like it's his will
sent today as his per instructions. I'm gonna read it out loud now:

'To my dearest craziest friends,

If you are reading this letter, I'm no longer here to share laughs and smiles, but memories are strange and mysterious things. You go back in time, re-live what you lived.
Enjoy what you enjoyed.
Memories and Love are what make us immortal
We remember what we had and still do
Whatever lies beyond this morning a little on regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all.
I have a huge favour of you and it is very important that you do this. I have put extra files on the main computer, I had to put on extreme protection on till I knew it was time to start the mission. The codes are your birthdays.

20189 – 11189 – 191089 – 231089 – 171189 – 41289

In the files I explain about the Pure Heart rings, there are six and they are very powerful. If they got into the wrong hands or into a non-power person, it would be extremely dangerous. In a power person, they would be unstoppable. In case of a non-power person they would not be able to control the powers of the rings. So it is vital that you get the rings and put them in a highly secure safe. Use number codes, hand print identification , eye identification, voice identification, butt print identification if you have to, just put them in a highly secure place.

I was lucky to find a clue on how to find one of them, a clue maybe.

'If it was opposite day, don't go to the place
where the streets are filled with
street artists and pick pockets'

There is one more thing that I need to give. One of my most prized processions was given to me. It is a Magitar. A magical instrument used to create winds and lightning like I could. I give the Magitar to another prized procession of mine. The Magitar goes to my son Tobias.

Love you all
T. Griffin.

Then everyone looked at Tobias.

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